I'd like to bring the current behaviour of the file tabs to discussion, as the corresponding issue on github has been closed.
My problem is that switching between files with cmd-T or clicking on files in the file browser reorders the tabs, moving the current file's tab to the right of the old file's tab.
This behaviour is, so I'm told, to make sure that closing the open file will result in going back to the previous file.
How is it then that changing files by clicking on the tab does not change the order?
To me it seems this behaviour is quite odd, and it's not standard UI (or is there another app that moves tabs around like this?).
In my mind, tabs also serve the purpose of organising, and people may want to have tabs in a logical order (e.g. chapters in a LaTeX project). The fact that tabs can be manually dragged around suggests that this is something the user can set and which should not be changed by the program.
In order to keep the intended function of returning to the previous file when the current one is closed, why not simply keep a history list of tabs per window?
Is there an easy way to open Bundle Support files and/or directories directly from the Bundle Editor window? I can browse the file tree but can't seem to easily access any of the files.
A workaround like Option+Click on a directory (in Support folders in Bundle Editor) to open a new TextMate window with that folder in the file browser would be perfect. Any such thing possible?
Thanks :)
Brandon Fryslie
I love the Markdown folding in TextMate 2.
Just one thing: at the moment, headings, sub-headings, sub-sub-headings, are
not nested in their folding.
It would be great if folding, say, a Level 1 heading (#) also folded all of
its sub-headings (##), sub-sub- headings (###), etc. under that heading. It
woudl be nice if the folding structure mirrored the (nested) structure of
headings of the document.
Would it be possible to implement this in TextMate 2’s Markdown, and is it at
all on the horizon?
i have an issue to get command help via ctrl + h in php scope. in textmate (version 1.5) I get an http view about the selected command. in version 2 I get the following message "Nothing to lookup(hint: place the caret over a function name)"
With the PHP_MANUAL_LOCATION variable I try'd to fix this with an local copy of the php.net help, but this don't work neither.
Have someone a fix or a hint for this?
greetings Björn
Hello guys.
I have a problem with TM2 + Avian Missing. I can't create new files using
'new file' option in my context menu.
I already tried uninstall and reinstall TM2, remove and clone again Avian
Missing, but no works.
The error is:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle
Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/lib/tm/detach.rb:3: undefined method `+'
for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from New File:5:in `require'
from New File:5
Brunno dos Santos*
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a Parmegiana <http://quadrinhosaparmegiana.com>
I usually have TextMate 2 output LaTeX to Skim, but today, suddenly, LaTeX output appears in a split pane in the editor window. I've looked in the bundle preferences, where Viewing is still set to Skim and both "Show PDF automatically" and "Keep log window open" are checked.
This occurred in TM2 9307.
Downloading a nightly build has solved the problem, but I thought someone would like to know.
I'd like to bring SVN and file pane behaviour up again.
I've been using both extensively, and run into this situation frequently: Working in file A, press cmd-Y, 5 to commit, realise after hitting commit that in fact file B was selected in file viewer and the wrong file with the wrong commit message was committed.
As for the heuristics which file to apply cmd-Y to:
1) If the file browser has focus, take its selection, if the editor has focus, take that.
2) In the commit window, show all uncommitted changes in (the parent folder of the file browser or root of working copy, whichever is lower) and below, but only select the items from 1)
Would that cause any side-effects?
If we cannot agree on how this should behave, can the precedence behaviour of file viewer be somehow customized?
I use Quickcursor (http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/quickcursor) and I was able to use it with TM2 until a short time ago (sometimes last week) by adding com.macromates.TextMate.preview to the Custom Bundle ID. However with version 9313 of TextMate the interaction is broken. Now, Quickcursor still launches TextMate, but as far as I can see TextMate starts with a new (untitled and empty) document and it does not communicate back with Quickcursor, when you close the document, it asks to save it as a new file.
All the best
I have TM_RUBY specified to point to rvm's textmate_ruby. When opening TextMate using 'mate .' it subsequently uses the system ruby, but not the system gemset, and bundle commands start to fail because of incompatabilities.
When opening TextMate directly, or it is already open when I use mate, all is well.
Where the actual problem lies is difficult to tell, and I don't need a solution now I've worked out how to avoid it, but did figure that it'd be helpful to mention.
Just downloaded and installed TextMate 2 alpha today, v9313.
I have a question, It doesn't seem that if I have the File Browser tab open (I've defaulted to left side), that I can right click in that window to create a new file. I've created a new file, but I then have to navigate down to the directory hierarchy that's displayed in the File Browser tab to save the file. As soon as I do, the File Browser tab displays the file, etc. At this point, right clicking on the File Browser tab seems to bring up a "standard" OSX Finder menu, and all I see there is a "New Folder", but not a "New File".
I've seen some videos of the previous version of TextMate, and it allowed creating new files, adding files, etc. by right clicking in the File Browser tab. Is this functionality removed? Or did I miss something in the config, or ????