Forgive me if this has been posted before, but I noticed a problem with TM2's
implementation of the wrap column.
In my ~/.tm_properties file, I have:
# File type specific configuration
[ text ]
softWrap = true
[ text.{haml,html} ]
wrapColumn = 100
[ text.plain ]
wrapColumn = 80
And for the most part, TM2 respects this.
However, the wrap column setting is not respected when I'm creating a new
When I create a new file, its type is text.plain by default, and the wrap
column is 80. This is fine. But then say I save it as an HTML file. I expect
that the wrap column should now move to 100, because the type of the file
has changed to text.html. TM2 does not do that. Instead, to see the wrap
column properly set, I have to close and reopen the file.
Should I open this as a ticket instead? Please let me know.
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the following C++ code is indented as I expect:
<< "a=" << a
<< ", b=" << b
<< ", c=" << c
<< std::endl;
Asking TM2, I get it indented as:
<< "a=" << a
<< ", b=" << b
<< ", c=" << c
<< std::endl;
I've looked all over TM2, but I can't find a way to save a macro once
I've recorded it. Am I missing it, or is it not yet implemented? (BTW,
searching for the word "macro" in a mailing list from "macro"
is... unproductive. :-)
And how about proxy commands in bundles? I realize they're in a
preliminary state now, but is there a list of available actions? Are
proxies intended to be the evolution of macros?
What prompted these questions was a search for a way to reassign the
column-select keystroke. In TM1 I could define a macro to map it to
something sane, like ^B. Is there a way (yet) to do something similar
in TM2?
On a stylistic note, I really would like "Change to Column Selection" to
be put back into the Edit menu. It's not obvious (at least, not to
me...) that tapping ALT is the way to do it, and it's not the kind of
thing you can figure out by experimentation. I looked all over for how
to make a column selection in TM2 and finally found it in a blog post.
Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461 <>
I know this list is generally for reporting bugs and asking for help so it may be disheartening to those who work on TM2 to be reading about "this" being broken or "that" could be done better every day. I've been using TM2 for well over a month daily and I just want to congratulate everyone involved on what a fantastic program they've developed. I often forget that I'm working on an alpha release and this is certainly the best and most stable alpha release I've used in a long, long time.
So a tip of the chapeau to everyone and happy friday!
Ed Wong
this link helped me at least with saving by "Cmd+S" ...
> What I'm looking for is a way of hooking the Save command so that the whitespace stripper is run just before saving, regardless of whether I pressed Cmd-S, chose Save from the File menu, or selected Save in the dialog when closing a document with unsaved changes.
> I'm sure I read something on a blog which suggested it was possible, but the article unfortunately assumed a greater familiarity with bundle writing than I have :)
> --
> John Yeates
This terminal command should make the HTML output go back to displaying in a separate window:
defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview htmlOutputPlacement window
Good luck!
- Adam Jackman
> I use TextMate and the Latex bundle extensively. With version 1, when I run Latex (cmd-R) the output of the latex compiler pops up in a new window. With TextMate 2, the output instead appears as part of the editing window. I made the mistake of resizing the output window to 0 - dragging it all the way down - and now I can't get it back. This makes tracking down errors difficult. I can't drag the separator back up because the entire window resizes instead.
> Is there a way to make the output window either appear separately, as in TextMate 1, or get the drag handle back?
> Drew
I tried double-clicking the .tmbundle's for several programming languages
(e.g. Dart <>,
When I open them with TextMate 2, the editor doesn't load the bundles but
opens them as if they were ordinary code directories.
What do bundle developers have to do differently in TextMate 2? Or is
TextMate bundling broken at the moment?
Andrew Pennebaker
I use TextMate and the Latex bundle extensively. With version 1, when I run Latex (cmd-R) the output of the latex compiler pops up in a new window. With TextMate 2, the output instead appears as part of the editing window. I made the mistake of resizing the output window to 0 - dragging it all the way down - and now I can't get it back. This makes tracking down errors difficult. I can't drag the separator back up because the entire window resizes instead.
Is there a way to make the output window either appear separately, as in TextMate 1, or get the drag handle back?
To reproduce, enter the following text on a new line, then hit ^r
TextMate will open a new untitled tab, then become
unresponsive. However, the OS won't mark it as unresponsive in the Force
Quit dialog.
Tested with r9015 and r9028.
Hi All,
Noticed a rather worrying problem in the "Find" dialog of TM2. If you
select "In: Document" in the find box, it all behaves nicely, and only
shows you results from the current file. If you switch this to "In:
Selection", then it doesn't. Hitting "Find All" gives results from the
current directory (and actually sometimes this defaults to the current
directories of other TM2 windows), which is rather worrying if you are then
planning to hit "Replace All" and are just expecting it to replace things
in your selection. The "Sigma" button does however seem to obey the
selection directive...
I'm assuming this comes under the "work in progress" label, so I hope this
post will serve as a friendly warning for those using TM2 as their
permanent editor - it is after all still in alpha! Hopefully allan will
manage to sort this out soon :-).