TM2 still appears to have the same troublesome selection behavior TM1 has. As an example take this line in Perl:
die("$self failed to implement ".(caller(0))[3]);
Ideally I could select '$self' by double-clicking. For that to work I would need to tell TM2 that $ is a word character in Perl, per grammar word character definitions are needed. (That may be there already, but I can't find it being mentioned anywhere.)
Now double-clicking on 'self' and moving the mouse to the left to add the '$' doesn't work because it adds '("$'. TM2 should treat non-word characters as individual characters instead of grouping them together into a "word" when extending a selection that started with a double-click.
Similarly it is impossible to select 'caller(0)' by double-clicking 'caller' and extending to the right, instead one ends up with 'caller(0))['.
i just checked if skim and the sync with skim works, but it does not. Is there a way to solve this?
-Because I'm the CEO, and I think it can be done.-
Steve Jobs, 2005
Something I'd like to see improved in TM2 is the visibility of the
current file browser root. Since I started working with TM2, I've
noticed several things about the file browser:
- I frequently glance at the file browser/project drawer to orient
myself, essentially answering "which project's window is this?"
- The "project" indication, the browser's current directory, is now
the smallest text on the page. (I use a larger font than the default
for the editing windows.) It's also tucked in the midst of a lot of
other stuff, making it hardre to quickly pick out.
- The current directory name is truncated by the buttons to its right
when the file browser pane is narrowed even a bit.
- Quickly inspecting the contents of the file browser is often not
illuminating. Imagine working with multiple Rails apps, multiple
git clones of the same project, etc.
- No location information is available when the drawer is closed. By
contrast TM1's default formatting of the title bar with "<icon>
<file> - <project>".
On that last point, I note that the window title is now user-configurable in
.tm_properties; great news. However, I've not had any luck in
recreating TM1's behavior. For example, in ~/.tm_properties I have:
windowTitle = '${TM_DISPLAYNAME}\
and in a project root directory, I have .tm_properties with:
projectDirectory = '${CWD}'
After restarting TextMate (is there an easier way to reload the
props?), it seems that TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY is never set even when
projectDirectory has been set in .tm_properties. Am I just missing
something about projectDirectory/TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY, or is this a
in one folder, I have the following .tm_properties, to hide folders with
derived files (.o etc.):
myExtraExcludes = "lib,glnx86,glnxa64,maci64,win32,win64,x64"
excludeInFileChooser = "{$excludeInFileChooser,$myExtraExcludes}"
excludeInFolderSearch = "{$excludeInFolderSearch,$myExtraExcludes}"
I believe (but am not certain) that worked for build 9005 or something
around there, but with 9007, I see all of these folders (and TM2 is
crawling, which may indicate that it watches the files in these
folders). Should this work as shown?
I move text around pretty frequently using ⌃⌘[arrow keys]. There are various scenarios where moving text this way in TM2 causes the selection to expand, with whitespace inserted to the left. (Very easy to reproduce in code with different indentation levels.)
Is this known/intended? Is there a setting I’m missing that will stop it from happening?
If it’s intentional, let me say that I don’t see a use case for altering my selection simply because I moved it. :-) If the user is trying to move text out beyond the existing end of the line, I could see adding whitespace to make it work, but even then it should be added *outside* the selection without altering it, right?
Rob McBroom
When performing a find in folder and then replacing all of the matches with
new content, how can I save all of the files.
If I select 'Save All' from the menu the files are not saved. The only way
I have found so far is to press the <Next> button on the find dialog which
then warns me that the files have not be saved and provides a button to do
so. Is there a more direct way to save these changes?
Hi all, I noticed that the TM_COLUMNS environment variable from TM1 seems
to no longer be available in TM2. Is this just not implemented yet, or is
it gone for good?
-Daniel Grady
I had set the font of my project/folder via the View->Font menu to
"ProFontWindows" 9
In my folder, I create .tm_properties with the following content.
TM_GIT = "/usr/local/bin/git"
fontName = "Menlo"
fontSize = 16
In a txt file, I execute the following line with ^R
But the problem is the the buffer is not rendered with Menlo size 16.
Is my font setting via the menu overriding the font setting in the
.tm_properties file? How do I reset it if that's the case?
Seems TM2 can only run one task at a time. I have multiple Xcode targets I run at the same time, TM2 only allows me to run one of them.
It also keeps reusing the same output window, so I can't have (for example) my ToDo list and view uncommitted changes at the same time.
Forgive me if this has been posted before, but I noticed a problem with TM2's
implementation of the wrap column.
In my ~/.tm_properties file, I have:
# File type specific configuration
[ text ]
softWrap = true
[ text.{haml,html} ]
wrapColumn = 100
[ text.plain ]
wrapColumn = 80
And for the most part, TM2 respects this.
However, the wrap column setting is not respected when I'm creating a new
When I create a new file, its type is text.plain by default, and the wrap
column is 80. This is fine. But then say I save it as an HTML file. I expect
that the wrap column should now move to 100, because the type of the file
has changed to text.html. TM2 does not do that. Instead, to see the wrap
column properly set, I have to close and reopen the file.
Should I open this as a ticket instead? Please let me know.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/TM2%3A-Wrap-column-not-changed-once-new-file-is-saved…
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