How do you set the ruby path for the "command R" in textamate. I removed
ruby 1.9.2p0 because I have p136 installed via RVM and have it set as
default. But TM is still using 1.9.2p0. I removed 1.9.2p0 from RVM and
"Command R" stopped working. I tried reseting the patch as it requested but
that did not work either.
It seems to work fine for me. I would try checking your line endings, make
sure you are using the newest version of TextMate, make sure you have
Regular Expression checked in the find box, and make sure there isn't any
whitespace at the end of the lines.
> I piped the output of a command to a text file as such:
sudo dscl . -list /Users UniqueID ~/Desktop/unique_id.txt
and opened the file with TextMate:
open -a ~/Desktop/unique_id.txt
I did a simple regex lookup " 9$" (looking for an ID of '9') and hit the
Find All button (i.e. the operator ?). This yielded 0 results however when I
hit the next button, it would have a result.
I think having "smooth scrolling" on can cause this. You can turn it off in
System Preferences -> Appearance.
>2 - On a muli-page file the PgUp and PgDn keys have weird behavior:
instead of scrolling up or down a page at a time, the window jumps all
over the place. For example, on a 5-page textfile and starting with the
window about 4 pages down, hitting PgUp puts the window at about page 2,
hitting PgUp again puts it at page 3, hitting a third time puts it at
the start of the file. This makes no sense to me at all. OTOH,
clicking on the scroll bar moves the window one page up or down as you
would expect. What might be causing this behavior?
I piped the output of a command to a text file as such:
sudo dscl . -list /Users UniqueID ~/Desktop/unique_id.txt
and opened the file with TextMate:
open -a ~/Desktop/unique_id.txt
I did a simple regex lookup " 9$" (looking for an ID of '9') and hit the Find All button (i.e. the operator ∑). This yielded 0 results however when I hit the next button, it would have a result.
I'm using the latest release (v.1631) of TextMate under OS X.6.5 and am
still experiencing a couple of unexpected problems:
1 - The keyboard shortcut Cmd-Opt-O, which is supposed to toggle between
Insert and Overwrite modes, does nothing. I can make that switch by
going to the menu -- Edit -> Mode -- and clicking on Overwrite Mode, but
this is inconvenient when I need to make that change often. I've looked
at Keyboard Shortcuts under System Preferences to see if there are any
conflicts, but saw none. Any ideas what the problem might be?
2 - On a muli-page file the PgUp and PgDn keys have weird behavior:
instead of scrolling up or down a page at a time, the window jumps all
over the place. For example, on a 5-page textfile and starting with the
window about 4 pages down, hitting PgUp puts the window at about page 2,
hitting PgUp again puts it at page 3, hitting a third time puts it at
the start of the file. This makes no sense to me at all. OTOH,
clicking on the scroll bar moves the window one page up or down as you
would expect. What might be causing this behavior?
- Dushan Mitrovich
Dear textmate experts,
I have a text file with lines like this:
dog={brown, bark},
cat={white, purr},
mouse={gray, beep},
I would like to end up with this:
dog={brown, bark},
cat={{white, purr}},
mouse={gray, beep},
Replacing "cat={" by "cat={{" is trivial, but how can I replace the closing brace "}" by "}}" for that lines? I tried to work with regular expressions and ^.*cat={.*$ matches the lines starting with "cat={", but I couldn't manage to tell textmate's "Find" to basically add something to a line. I also seems to me that although the "Find"-box in textmate's "Find" can deal with regular expressions, the "Replace"-box ignores regular expressions.
I know textmates "Edit Each Line in Selection", but I can't select all lines starting with "cat={" by hand, there are simply too many in my file.
Have you ever been editing along and all is fine until you notice that your file is like 13 times longer than it should be and then you discover that your text has been copied 12 times into the same file and you know you didn't do it and there are no cats in the house?
This seems to be quite a moving target. Based on past solutions, I was able to dig in figure out why this was broken (again).
In `Objective-C.tmbundle/Support/lib/docset_query.rb`, I had to change line 10 from
DOCSETS = Dir.glob("/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/*.docset”)
DOCSETS = Dir.glob("/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/*.docset”)
Anyone else run into this?
Rob McBroom
Hi Allan,
Could you make the font for the commit message customizable? I can't read that small font well on the new higher-resolution screens, plus I'd prefer it to be a monospaced font anyway.
A very simple way to make it configurable (and I patched my copy of TextMate) would be to edit
Select the text view inside the scroll view for the commit message, bring up the Bindings inspector, and change the FontName property to:
Bind to: Shared User Defaults Controller
Controller key: values
Model Key Path: CommitWindowFontName (or whatever else tickles you)
Null Placeholder: Set to the default font name (Lucida Grande?)
Now folks wanting a different font can simply do
defaults write com.cjack.tmbundles.commit-window CommitWindowFontName "Menlo"
No code changes :-)
Hey everyone,
I've posted a plugin which lets you define keystrokes to move about and edit
your text files with ease, in the spirit of the Vim command-line editor.
Feedback and contributions are welcome.
-Phil Crosby