I've add the Java.tmbundle and Scala.tmbundle to ~/Library/Application
Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles but they won't show in Textmate 2. Oddly
the groovy.tmbundle added in the same manner works as expected.
What could be wrong here? The permissions look OK. The bundles show a check
next to them in Preferences, but they have no listing under the Actions
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Bundles-won%27t-install-in-TM2-tp33005251p33005251.ht…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
TextMate 2 looks awesome! Just got to play a little with it ... :)
I really like the way bundles are installed from Prefs.
I tried enabling the ReStructuredText bundle, and I found an error, it seems.
It showed up when I tried to launch preview, I got:
Failure running "Preview".
This command requires ‘rst2html.py’ which wasn’t found on your system.
The following locations were searched: /usr/bin, /bin, /usr/sbin,
/sbin, /Users/phil/Library/Application
If ‘rst2html.py’ is installed elsewhere then you need to set
TM_RST2HTML in Preferences → Variables to the full path of where you
installed it.
I'm not sure this needs to be reported here, maybe it's just something
in the readme of that bundle or something the right person is aware
of, but just in case, thought I'd report it ... :)
BTW: The .tm_properties file, where do I put it if I want to define
something to be default everywhere?
Or is this file just for folder properties that deviates from the
default settings?
Some of the possibilities looks really nice. If people need this
project functionality back, maybe a gui/drag&drop frontend to
.tm_properties could do the trick? (Drag&drop excludes etc, turn
on/off different settings.)
In TM1 "Open Recent" would not collect any file opened from the project viewer. I found that more useful, as it accumulated all my projects over time while in TM2 it has all the useless individual file entries.
And as others mentioned:
- I'd rather have single-click than double-click to open a file
- Closing the last tab should not close the window
Not seen this mentioned: how do you add a new file to a given folder? "New File" is missing from the context menu...
Probably all known, but just in case:
- Disabled item can no longer be selected, so it can't be re-enabled...
- If Grammar A includes Grammar B, and both bundles define a folding setting with the same scope selector, B's folding rules are picked up. I had expected that to be A's folding rules, so it is easier to overwrite a stock bundle's rules without having to modify the stock bundle itself by disabling the folding setting.
- Support files can't be edited in the bundle editor.
When selecting a line via triple-click, then extending the selection by shift-clicking on another line, the behavior changed.
TM1 (and other OS X apps like TextEdit) would select everything in between plus the ENTIRE clicked line.
TM2 only selects up to the clicked point.
Same for double-click selection (select word): TM1 and others select the entire word when shift-clicking, TM2 only up to the clicked point.
Should probably be changed to behave like TM1 did to be in line with expected behavior on OS X.
Hey, it's great to see TM2 out in the wild, but I have a question: I've
always used TM's open-folder-as-project approach, and now in TM2, when I
have a folder open and I close out the last open document, it automatically
closes the project view.
Is there some way to stop this behavior? It's very frustrating.
Wells Oliver
Not sure if this is a known issue. Could not find it searching for it..
It seems to be TM2 related (as far as I know). When using (':') in JS code the colors get messed up using every theme.
See screenshot: http://i43.tinypic.com/w9wmyp.png
Pretty annoying. Any way to fix this?
Is there a way to delete the current line like CTRL+L in Geany. (Im coming
from Geany on Ubuntu to TextMate on Mac)
Thanks & Regards
Anjanesh <http://anjanesh.com> Lekshminarayanan <http://anjanesh.co.in>
I really like the TM2 alpha. Lots of great stuff, and it has generally been pretty stable for me.
I'm having some weird behavior with saving in textmate 2. Some files I save seem to magically acquire executable permissions (i.e. the file mode gains +x on user, group and other) when I hit save. This is a little annoying (nosetests doesn't pick up files with executable permissions by default) and possibly a security hole. However, it only seems to happen to *some* files and *some* saves. I can't even seem to reproduce it regularly.
Has anyone else seen this behavior or been able to reproduce it in a given context? I'd love to at least be able to track this behavior down and understand when/why it happens.