Hi LaTeX users,
I'm working some more on the Typeset and View command, we are going to replace the default command that currently ships with TextMate. But I need some information. What process are TextMate's LaTeX users following for building their documents? I'm sure most of you are using bibtex, but what about other things like makeindex? Has everyone moved to a pure pdf-based process, or are some of you still using dvi/postscript? What are you using for pictures? Anything you can tell …
[View More]me will help.
I would also *love* example documents along with the expected output. This will aid in testing, and ensure that your particular process will be supported!
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I had the same problem as described in a post from Sebastian on
2007-11-11 (http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/
Here is my error output:
Running bibtex on Exjobb (ny).tex
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/peeter/Peeterprogram/
texMate.py", line 457, in texStatus, isFatal, numErrs, numWarns =
run_bibtex(texfile=fileName) File "/Users/peeter/Peeterprogram/
[View More]Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/
texMate.py", line 71, in run_bibtex return stat,fatal,err,warn
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stat' referenced before assignment
It seems that it had to do with the parentheses in my filename messing
up the regexes.
My solution was to change lines 71 and 72 in Textmate.app/Contents/
SharedSupport/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/texMate.py as follows:
# auxfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.search('.aux
$',f) > 0]
# auxfiles = [f for f in auxfiles if re.match(r'('+ basename +
auxfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.search('.aux$',f)
> 0 and (f.startswith(basename) or re.match(r'bu\d+\.aux', f))]
This works, at least for me.
Or have I messed something else up in the process?
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Hi folks,
I work on several open-source projects (VTK, ParaView, CMake...) that
follow a somewhat unusual indentation style. Instead of
if (foo)
they require
if (foo)
Getting the first curly indent right was trivial but I can't figure
out how to reduce the indentation _after_ the closing curly. When the
pattern matches decreaseIndentPattern, the current line's indentation
is reduced. What I need is for the following line to be unindented. Is
there …
[View More]any way to do this?
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I am pretty sure I just pinned this down to TM. If I work in TM,
save, then command-tab to a browser, there is significant lag from the
time it will switch to the browser, or, at times, even bring up the
application tab switcher.
If I do not save, the toggle is fast, so it seems to be something to
do with leaving TM, where it is not letting me leave as fast as other
apps do.
I have tried toggling back and forth between other apps, and the
behavior is speedy. Any idea what is …
[View More]going on, and how to solve it?
These are simple files, single files, that have a hundred lines or so
in them, nothing complicated at all.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
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Hi all-
Having trouble running the "new" TextMate bundle with a LaTeX file that worked via the old (or current, stable) bundle and (now) works on the command line. Here's a bit of the log:
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009) (format=pdflatex 2009.11.7) 6 AUG 2010 11:43
> entering extended mode
> file:line:error style messages enabled.
> **"/Users/cturner/Documents/BIZ/Personal/Resume, etc./Resume-2009/resume20090628.tex"
> (/Users/cturner/Documents/BIZ/…
[View More]Personal/Resume, etc./Resume-2009/resume20090628.tex
> LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
> [clip...]
> Package: ifxetex 2009/01/23 v0.5 Provides ifxetex conditional
> )
> /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/fontspec/fontspec.sty:18:
> ********************************************
> * XeTeX is required to compile this document.
> * Sorry!
> ********************************************.
> \RequireXeTeX ...********************************}
My document uses XeLaTex and has this as its first line:
> %!TEX TS-program = xelatex
So I imagine my problem is that XeLaTeX isn't getting run.
My default engine in Preferences is "xelatex" so, being a noobie, I'm not sure what else to do to tell the bundle my desires.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Best wishes,
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Hi everyone -
I'm having a weird problem with LaTeX/BibTeX cite key autocompletion.
My bib file is in the appropriate place in the user texmf tree, and
BibTeX finds it when I compile the document... but cite key
autocompletion does not work ("bib file not found" or something like
that). Cite key autocompletion DOES work if I put the same bib file
in the same directory as the TeX file itself.
Thoughts? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best, Chris MacMinn
Is the latest (cutting edge) version of textmate intended to run on a
PPC? After updating it today, textmate gives me a "You cannot open the
application "TextMate" because it is not supported on this
architecture" message on my PowerPC G5 (3.1) when I try to open it.
Kyle Johnson
I have two project windows opened in TextMate at the same time and I noticed that if I set the tab size in one to say, 4, when I switch to the other window, it automatically changes too.
Is there a way to make the tab size "sticky" per window or per project?
I recently started using TM again to work on a Rails project and upgraded
form 1.5.7 to 1.5.9 (1510) on 10.6.4. Now the program is crashing several
times a day. I am working with projects and git scm enabled. Other than that
nothing special or unusual.
I saw a post here talking about a later version than 1510 but I can't seem
to find out how to download that or any other version than the this one. I
am currently running 1.5.7 and that seems to be stable if out of date.
I am not sure what is …
[View More]triggering the problem. It may be related to selecting
files from from the project drawer but I'm not certain and it only started
happening after upgrading to 1.5.9. This was initially happening on 10.5 so
I finally upgraded to 10.6.4 in hopes that it would fix it but it is still
Any tips or assistance will be appreciated. This is the only editor that has
gotten me away from emacs. ;-)
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/TextMate-1.5.9-crashing-several-times-a-day-tp2940382…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Have you considered open sourcing textmate? I think there are a lot
of people who would like to add features to this editor.
For example, I'd like to have split windows, to be able to save window
configurations and embed a terminal or ssh session into the window.
David :)