Dear all,
there's a new bundle called "Unicode" in the review trunk. It is meant
to be a place where we can gather any kind of scripts, commands, etc.
which are related to general Unicode issue, meaning non-ASCII. This
should also a place where we can gather scripts related to specific
languages like Japanese, Chinese, Greek etc.
This bundle is the first stage. How do we separate this bundle is a
future task.
Thus, if there is someone who already has such scripts or is willing
to …
[View More]support, please let us/me know.
Up to now there are the following stuff in:
- Normalize according canonical (de)composition of accented characters
- Delete Diacritics: façadë έ だ => facade ε た
- Convert to a similar Unicode Character: type the letter 'c' to get a
list of "cçćĉċčƈ¢ɕʗḉ⒞ⓒc¢"
- Convert to Greek Character: type 'n' to get "ν"
- Show Unicode Name: select some letters to get a list of the Unicode
I have many other scripts, but I need some time to polish them up.
To get this bundle, simply use the Subversion Bundle's checkout
save this to the Desktop or whatever.
I know, to deal with non-ASCII scripts in TM 1.x is a bit tricky, but
TM 2.0 will come ;)
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can anyone tell me why the perl bundle treats the letter 's' oddly
when it is used as a hash index? for example the statements
$OPT{w} = 'a';
$OPT{s} = 'a';
are highlighted differently. what's up?
Im trying to write a document where I use eps images for
illustrations, this works fine with the usual command + r function,
but does not work with the watch document(I get an error about
unsupported image files). Is there an easy way to fix this?
I know that autocompletion exists in many bundles but requires you to
push ecsape to get it up, is there a way to do the following with a
Lets assume I am editing a PHP document and type "s", the bundle (or
even better, TM2 ;)) looks up a list of function names and then
outputs after the s, the first keyword in the list that starts with
"s". However, that extra text is left as selected, if the user
continues to type then they will overwrite the text (and it will alter
[View More]s guess accordingly) but if the user hits the relevant key, it
leaves the selected text in place and puts the caret (I think that's
the name) at the end of the word.
If it's not possible in a bundle, is there any chance of seeing
something like it in TM2?
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I would like to implement auto-completion with alt-esc, in the same
way as it works with HTML.
<a n[ALT+ESC]> --->generates---> <a name="">
but having a slightly different syntax:
where I would like to be able to type
[{here's the caret, I press ALT-ESC}]
and then I would get a list of options, specific for the first
argument after \commandname and specific for the first bracket (second
[View More]bracket has a different set of commands).
A sample usage:
\setupcolors[state=start] % could be state=stop
In the first case, I want to hit alt-esc in the second pair of
bracket, and I want TextMate to offer me the options "r=", "g=", "b=",
"c=", "m=", "y=", "k=" (and maybe to give me hint that a number
between 0 and 1 has to follow).
In the second case I want to hit alt-esc in the first pair of brackets
and I want TextMate to offer me a list of options "state=" and
"conversion=", and if I choose state=, I want to hit alt-esc again and
TextMate should offer me a list of two options "start" and "stop".
I know how to write a ruby script that would get command name or
current line as the argument, and would return a list of available
options, but I don't know what exactly my script needs to return, and
I don't know how & where to plug it in.
I've seen this in html:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/codecompletion"
#[%{class=""}, %{id=""}, %{style=""}, %{<img src="/images/"}, %{<img
border="0"}, ],['TM_COMPLETIONS'],{:split=>','}).to_ary,,
but it's not really clear to me how to experiment with it outside of
html. Moreover, the library codecompletion might not be able to handle
too complex cases. (I don't really know, I only fear that.)
I'm willing to do it for plain TeX + LaTeX + ConTeXt (I'm currently
extracting TeX primitives & ConTeXt commands with options, for LaTeX
it would work the same way once I get some list of commands), but I
need some pointers where to start first.
Thanks a lot,
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is there some documentation on how to use TextMate::UI?
I'm trying to create a small dialog asking for a string with two
extra check boxes.
Thanks in advance,
Pedro Melo
XMPP ID: melo(a)
sorry for breaking the rules! I lost the thread.
>> On 6 Feb 2008, at 22:26, Alexander John Ross wrote:
>>> • Add Unicode support to PyMate / ScriptMate.
>>> Changed:
>>> U trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Support/PyMate/pymate.rb
>>> U trunk/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Support/PyMate/
>>> U trunk/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb
>> I got this ticket
[View More]gt; ticket_id=502C2FDD
>> and after some experiments I think the problem is that PyMate does
>> not
>> pick up on the encoding provided by the user.
>> For example a script like this will error:
>> # coding: utf-8
>> print("æble")
I do not know whether this helps to solve the problem, but I just
figured out that 'print' is the problem. If I'm using
'sys.__stdout__.write' instead it works.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import sys
import os
a = u"æble"
sys.__stdout__.write( a.encode("raw_unicode_escape") )
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Hi there, thanks to the list I've managed to get my AS2 projects
publishing out of textmate great using MTASC, now I'm trying to do
the same with my AS3 projects.
I would like to compile my AS3 SWFs direct from Textmate. At the
moment I am only building a single SWF as you would get if you
published from Flash.
I would like to be able to build my graphic assets in Flash then
write my code in Textmate and compile from Textmate and view my SWF
and trace using Xtrace.
Could someone …
[View More]give me some pointers on how to do this, all of the
AS3 / Flex bundles seem to want to create a whole Flex application
not just the single SWF.
If someone could also point me in the direction of a step-by step
tutorial for creating Flex Apps in textmate that would be super-handy
too as I would also like to learn this at some point.
Thanks guys :)
Alistair Colling
Interactive Developer
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I'm working with some ColdFusion code and am trying to get the syntax
highlighting to treat code inside <cfscript> tags the same as it treats
code inside <script> tags, like javascript and such... it's not
immediately clear how I might accomplish this...?
Any suggestions are appreciated.