I am trying to add a clause to my PHP language grammar that only
affects a variable between square brackets/braces, for example it
would match $bar from the following
The language block I have is this
var_index = {
name = 'variable.other.index.php';
match = '(?x)
captures = { 1 = { name =
'punctuation.definition.variable.php'; }; };
The problem is that it affects the square brackets/braces as well as
the variable inside them. How do I alter it to only affect the
variable and not the brackets/braces?
Thanks in advance for any help
We have to buy Textmate (2 licences).
I've red about a "2.0" version.
Is there a release date ?
If we buy 1.5 today, could we have for free the new version ?
Nicolas (Leopard)
The Git bundle is great, but the GUI tools don't seem to be working.
View Branch History with Gitk does nothing, though Gitk works from the
command line.
View history with Gitnub launches two empty GitNub windows. Again nub
works properly from the command line.
Git Gui does nothing as well. Fine on the command line.
I thought it might be a path issue, but running echo $PATH inside of
TM with ctrl R shows that the paths are fine...
Others on the irc have the same problem.
Best, Mark
Hash: SHA1
I just created a bundle for literate programming in cweb. You can
find the bundle here:
Currently, the bundle only has a language definition. Let me know
what you think of it, and send me any suggestions you have for how to
improve it.
Michael Melanson
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
Hi all,
Sorry if this has been asked before, but the instructions on the
textmate website don't work for me. If I open up bundle editor and try
to drag the bundle called "html" into my finder window, it won't let
me. Does anyone know a way of "manually" exporting a bundle, or
another alternative.
Thanks for any help.
Is there a way to customize the color of selected text? -- I.e., I want the foreground (text) color to be amber, but black when highlighted (the highlight itself would be another color, e.g., blue).
Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!
Is there a way to modify the Open Terminal command so that it uses
tabs with Terminal.app? I have been trying to do this but my
applescript-fu is weak. :/
Best, Mark
It breaks identically on my Leopard laptop at home. I noticed in Subversion
that there's a blurb about it not working in Leopard, and I just thought I'd
mention it's broken in Tiger too.
Quad G5 2.5Ghz 4G AM
Hope this gets resolved soon. I'm doing a bunch of groovy work and having
to cut/paste into GroovyConsole is a drag!
Chris Patti --- Y!: feoh -- AIM: chrisfeohpatti --- E-Mail: cpatti(a)gmail.com
"FORTRAN is just really good if you're really, REALLY twisted. Because the
obscene things people do in FORTRAN are just horrible." - James Gosling
Dear DIALOG2 popup developer,
I have a problem ;)
I want to insert a character which could have several names like
↓ arrow down
← arrow left
↑ arrow up
α greek alpha
β greek beta
My aim is to write e.g. "arrow" and the popup dialog shows all arrow
matches (only the glyph). Then I want to choose one and instead of
inserting "arrow" it should insert the chosen glyph. Fine. I tried it
and I had partly success.
First problem:
for the suggestions I have to write:
this leads, of course, to having two ↓ in the list.
Why not write:
In other words to allow more than one match.
Second problem:
If I want to do that I have to use the options -w for wait, because I
want to replace e.g. "arrow" by my chosen glyph. Fine. But if I delete
5 characters to show all suggestions I do not see what I'm writing
whereby the popup menu does its job perfectly.
Third problem:
If I type e.g. "arr" the popup dialog finds all matches beginning with
"arr". But it would be nice to have an option to show only those items
matching exactly. E.g. I have to type "arrow" to show all 'arrow's not
only "a" or "ar" etc.
Here's a first naïve example command:
Input: Selected Text or Word
Output: Replace Selected Text
RES=$(echo '{suggestions=({display="↓";match=down;},
{display="β";match=beta;});}' | "$DIALOG" popup -iwf
RES=$(echo "$RES" | grep display | perl -Xpe 's/.*?display = "(.*?)";/
echo -n "$RES"
My overall aim is to provide a possibility to insert a glyph by
looking for words in its Unicode name.
Or is the DIALOG2 popup dialog not the right tool for it, meaning
should one write its own rountine for that?
Or is there a better way to do it?
Thanks a lot for any hints in advance!