the new DIALOG2 allows to display an inline menu with headers like:
table 1
tree 2
vase 3
count 4
drink 5
eat 6
Very nice! But it could occur the following case:
drink 1
tree 2
vase 3
count 4
drink 5
eat 6
If I now choose "drink" I get:
But I do not know which "drink". Ok, I also got selectedIndex 6 and it
would be doable to figure it out. To simplify it I changed the code
slightly to output this:
if there is an header given. If no header is found you will get the
"old" dict.
An other very tiny problem I encountered is the following:
I would like to have this menu:
The negative numbers are interpreted as a separator because the
strings begin with -. One could easily fix it by using
"kMenuItemAttrIgnoreMeta". I did this, but this could be discussed, of
Here's the code:
Hi everyone,
the Koma-script classes offer a ”\minisec" command for simple sub-
headlines which do not appear in the TOC.
At the moment, these minisecs appear in the Symbol List left-aligned,
which is not so nice.
A simple fix for that is adding the following line to the "Symbol
List" bundle item so that the minisecs appear idented:
s/^\\minisec\*?(?:\[[^]]*\])?\{(.+)\}/ $1/; #
I'd like to propose to add this to the standard bundle but I would
like to leave this task to the Knowing Ones ...
Best regards,
Matthias Damm - mad(a)macpla.net
GPG key: http://macpla.net/MatthiasDamm.asc
GPG fingerprint: CED3 6074 7F7D 3148 C6F3 DFF2 05FF 3A0B 0D12 4D41
Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung! - http://www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/
Hi there,
I have been to Ryan van Barneveld's Blog downloading ie-preview.app in
order to install it on my Leopard/Textmate/Parallels set up.
I cant manage to do properbly as I dont know how 'activate' the
sharing folders for windows. I cant find such an option (Windows
Sharing) in the preference pane.
Quote from his website:
1) In the Sharing panel of System Preferences,
turn on Windows Sharing and note your Computer Name
2) Be sure to test your Windows Sharing by going into
Windows XP through Parallels, opening a file explorer
window and typing your computer name into the address
bar preceded by two backslashes.
eg. type \\MyMacBook, hit enter and you should see your Mac files
I also dont want to mess up sharing options - not knowing what to do
exactly but only trying - in order to keep my laptop 'privat' in
public places.
Could anybody help please?
Thanks in advance!
hi, I'm a bit confuse with the shell command to allow preview HTML
page with browser instead of Web Preview. I'm not familiar enough with
Terminal to "experiment".
when I paste:
sh ~/Documents/Scripts/browser.sh
... I go nowhere.
I would greatly appreciate someone's help on that, including the
command line to get a choice between Safari or Firefox.
Is there a way to get TextMate to auto pick the file language based on the
file path?
As an example, I have both matlab scripts and objective-c files each with
".m" extensions. When the path is .../matlab/... I would like them to use
the Matlab language bundle otherwise use the Objective-C language bundle.
When I used to use emacs, I had a load hook that was able to parse the file
path and use the correct mode.
Incidentally, I've added "firstLineMatch = '^[#%]+\s*.*[Mm]atlab.*';" to the
Matlab language which works if I start the file with a '% Matlab' comment -
this works for files I write, but not ones others write. Maybe there is a
way to have a "filePathMatch = '.*\/matlab\/.*'" (or equivalent) in the
-- d
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Language-based-on-path-tp16308189p16308189.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
What's this about the Dialog2 bundle... and what's this I hear about a
public AppleScript API for textmate (as mentioned in a commit to the
Dialog2 bundle)?
Can someone enlighten me and possibly post a link, or two? I'd like
to learn about Dialog2, specifically if it can help with the git bundle.
I'm really interested to know if any of the following are possible:
* Is it possible to open up a new html-output pane in textmate, bound
to a process, invoked by an already running bundle command?
* Is it possible, through the AppleScript-API, to list all of the tabs
that are open. (currently using the fantastic TMTOOLS plugin to do it,
but would be nice if this feature became part of core, as I'm not sure
if TMTOOLS has been the cause of some unstability i've been
* What new dialogs are provided by Dialog2?
If someone's got a quick answer, I'd appreciate it :) Though, as I've
invested little time to writing this message, I'd not be terribly
disappointed if it was ignored.
Thank you beloved TextMate community,
A snippet with this content:
`/usr/bin/env ruby -v`
Tells me that it is using /opt/local/bin/ruby (1.8.6)
Yet a command with this content:
#!/usr/bin/evn ruby
Tells me that it is using /usr/bin/ruby (1.8.2)
And yet if I use the she-bang outside of textmate, the correct 1.8.6 version
is used:
$ echo '#!/usr/bin/env ruby' > ruby_test
$ echo 'puts RUBY_VERSION' >> ruby_test
$ chmod +x ruby_test
$ ./ruby_test
Any anyone tell me how to fix this? I wish to use 1.8.6 for everything. I've
read that environment.plist might be part of the solution but I can't find
such a file. If I need to create a new one, I don't know what to put in it.
Many thanks
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Ruby-versions-differ-from-shell-and-she-bang-tp163104…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am having trouble with the svn blame command in the SVN bundle. Everything
else works fine, but not that.
I get
reason: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass
I have searched and none of the solutions that have previously been
mentioned work, the files I've tried are definitely under version control
(because the info command works on them, and svn blame works from the
command line).
I have tried a fresh install of Textmate, with only Ciarán Walsh’s ReMate
and TMQuicklook plugins installed and it is still not working. I verified
this by running "locate TextMate" after running "sudo
/usr/libexec/locate.updatedb" and all I got was the output you would expect
(all the files in textmate.app, and the 3 plugins with their content in my
users application support folder)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/SVN-Blame-not-working-tp16176714p16176714.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.