I am new to the world of textmate and java programming. I have
searched the Textmate blog and Java Forum for answers but nothing.
The program compiles and runs in the terminal by using javac Bert.java
and java Bert
But as soon as I want to use Textmate to compile and run the error is
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
Must be textmate problem. Could someone help me?
The short program that is want to compile and run is as follows:
import java.io.*;
public class Bert
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
//Declaring Variables
int price, downpayment, tradeIn, months, loanAmt;
double annualInterest, payment, interest;
String custName, inputPrice, inputDownPayment, inputTradeIn,
inputMonths, inputAnnualInterest;
BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader(new
//Get Input from User
System.out.println("What is your name? ");
custName = dataIn.readLine();
System.out.print("What is the price of the car? ");
inputPrice = dataIn.readLine();
System.out.print("What is the downpayment? ");
inputDownPayment = dataIn.readLine();
System.out.print("What is the trade-in value? ");
inputTradeIn = dataIn.readLine();
System.out.print("For how many months is the loan? ");
inputMonths = dataIn.readLine();
System.out.print("What is the decimal interest rate? ");
inputAnnualInterest = dataIn.readLine();
price = Integer.parseInt(inputPrice);
downpayment = Integer.parseInt(inputDownPayment);
tradeIn = Integer.parseInt(inputTradeIn);
months = Integer.parseInt(inputMonths);
annualInterest = Double.parseDouble(inputAnnualInterest);
interest = annualInterest / 12;
loanAmt = price - downpayment - tradeIn;
payment = loanAmt / ((1 / interest) - ( 1 / (interest * Math.pow(1 +
interest, months))));
System.out.print("The monthly payment for " + custName + " is $");
I've been browsing the list archive but cannot reaaly find an answer to
my problem. It has to do either with the blog setup
(com.macromates.textmate.blogging.text) or with teh communication with
my wordpress blog.
For some non understandable reason I destoryed my blog setup and now I
am f*cked. When enterning in the com.macromates.textmate.blogging.text
file the items $blgname $blog-url, I receive a "Received excepttion.
Wrong content-type: No blogs are availble".Wwhich is of course utterly
untrue :/
So how to fix this?
Regards, Judith
maybe someone is able to give me an hint (esp. regexp and grammar
experts ;)
I'm writing a Language and I want to include TM's folding feature.
foldingStartMarker :=
each line which begins with '>' AND the next line does not begin with
foldingStopMarker :=
each line which does not begin with '>' AND the next line begins with
I tried:
foldingStartMarker = '^>[^\n]*$(?!\n>)';
foldingStopMarker = '^[^>][^\n]*$(?=\n>)';
but it does not work. If I test these regexps in Find&Replace Dialog
it works.
What am I doing wrong? Or is this not possible?
Here's an example how it should look like:
v > foo
^ blabal
> foofoo
v > foofoofoo
^ blablabla
v > bla
^ foo
whereby 'v' := foldingStartMarker ; '^' := foldingStopMarker
Many thanks in advance,
Dear all,
please forgive me if I'm totally wrong, but I didn't find some in the
If I set some self-defined shell variables and TM installs a new
revision (cutting-edge) it seems to me that all my self-defined shell
variables are gone. Is this correct? If yes, is there a way to avoid it?
Many thanks,
Hi all,
since i recently upgraded to Leopard, I experience heavy slowdown of
TextMate, when I edit LaTeX files. Note that this occurs not always,
and doesn't seem to depend on the size of the file. Indeed, if I just
let TextMate open and continue editing after some time, this
inexplicable slowdown has disappeared.
Does anyone else has experienced slowdown of TextMate in conjuction
with Leopard+LaTeX ?
Yeah, I'm on a roll today with annoying questions :)
In Go To File, which I love, is there a way to have the pattern match
against the directory name and the file name?
For instance, I have a lot of files that all have the same name (eg
view.jsp), but they all live in different directories.
Scrolling through 60 different view.jsp's is a bit of a pain, so I was
curious if there's a way to narrow down the file based on directory?
Thanks again :)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Is-there-a-way-to-search-against-directory-name-in-%2…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I'm not sure if this is pure coincidence since I've upgraded Adium to the
newest version, but attached is a screenshot which displays an error when I
try to use the pastie command bundled into TextMate. It's definitely one of
my favorite features, so I'm curious if anyone has ran into this as well?
I'll down grade Adium before dealing with this issue.
Any ideas?
- sf
Hi all
I've been using the Objective-C bundle for about a year now for all my Cocoa
coding. It has a lot of nice features, but there are few shortcomings and I
was wondering if anyone is actively working on this.
A few things off the top of my head:
- No completion of new classes in leopard (eg. NSGradient, Core Animation
classes) or any syntax highlighting for new Objective-C 2.0 features.
- Cocoa classes are automatically highlighted (eg. declaring a variable as
NSRect will show "NSRect" highlighted). Other Apple classes like those in
CoreGraphics should also get the same treatment. Declaring a variable as a
CGRect won't show "CGRect" highlighted. Also help doesn't work for these
- "Completion: Partial Method Signature" is really handy for inserting
delegate method signatures. It does however insert different spacing then
the "Interface/Class Method" snippet.
For example in an interface file:
Typing "-awakeFromN<tab>" will insert "-(void)awakeFromNib;"
Typing "m<tab>" will insert "- (id)method:(id)anArgument;" (notice the extra
space after the "-")
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction here. I
searched the list archives and have tried the following.
Opened up ~/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Info.plist and found this
<string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>
Which I modified to be:
<string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>
I also later tried:
<string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>
Saved Info.plist, then Quit completely out of TextMate. Next, opened up an
existing rails project, but the 'index.html.erb' for example, still showed
the generic TextMate icon in the project drawer, not the tiny blue globe one
that 'rhtml' files use. (I really like the way it strikes the eye... what
can I say?)
Has anyone been able to get Rails 2.0's new 'html.erb', 'css.erb', etc.
files to show up in the drawer with teh sexy rhtml icon? =)
- Shanti
ps. this is probably completely unrelated, but I also went through Finder
and did the 'get info' -> 'change all' trick to open all 'html.erb' files in
TextMate, yet the icon in Finder remains the generic white OSX one, not
TextMate's. Figured that's an OS X thing but thought I'd mention it just in