I'm trying (for the first time ever) to make Textmate do syntax-
highlighting. The files I want to highlight are JUNOS router
configuration files. My beginning grammar is
{ scopeName = 'source.junos';
fileTypes = ( 'junos' );
foldingStartMarker = '\{\s*$';
foldingStopMarker = '^\s*\}';
patterns = (
{ name = 'keyword.other.junos';
match = 'groups|system|chassis|interfaces|forwarding-options|snmp|
{ name = 'comment.block.junos';
match = '/\*[^\*]*\*/';
When I set the language to JUNOS, folding works but the keywords or
comments stay the default color. Do I need to do something else to
see color highlighting? (assume nothing is too dumb - I'm a newbie
to this)
Assuming I get this working, is there a repository of grammars where
I can share it? And maybe find grammars for other odd languages?
-- Pete
Recently I've been finding that textmate seems to be indenting/
autoindenting to the wrong number of chars. I've got the indentation
set to 'Soft Tabs: 2' but I'm finding that when I tab along, I'll end
up indenting to a odd number of chars, eg 3 or 5. I'm also finding
that when I'm writing HTML, if I use Ctrl< to writing the opening and
close tag, then press enter, I'll only be indented 1 char in from the
containing tag, not two as expected.
Any ideas?
I just tried to render with the filename "Problem Set 5.tex" but it
failed because it seems to "think" that Problem, Set and 5 are three
different documents - here's the output:
atexmk: This is latexmk, John Collins, 26 February 2007, version:
3.08n. **** Report bugs etc to John Collins . **** Latexmk: Could not
find file [Problem] ------------ Run number 1 of 'pdflatex
-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style Problem' ------------
Latexmk: restoring last Problem.aux file Latexmk: Did not finish
processing file: Latex failed to generate a log file Latexmk: Could
not find file [Set] ------------ Run number 1 of 'pdflatex
-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style Set' ------------
Latexmk: restoring last Set.aux file Latexmk: Did not finish
processing file: Latex failed to generate a log file Latexmk: Could
not find file [5.tex] ------------ Run number 1 of 'pdflatex
-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style 5.tex' ------------
Latexmk: restoring last 5.aux file Latexmk: Did not finish processing
file: Latex failed to generate a log file
And I have now the files in the directory of tex-file:
Problem Set 5.tex
Removing the spaces from the filename helps. Something should be done
about the error output…should be somehow formatted but I think that
already in discussion…
As written in the subject: it's the actual SVN-checkout of the LaTeX-bundle
Dear list,
It would appear that the 'Execute Line / Selection as Query' command
in the SQL bundle is not working for multi-line selections.
Am I going mad (missing something?), or can someone else confirm this
problem please. Even better if you know how to fix it.
I would like to extend the sql language definition to support
PostgreSQL's dollar quoting semantics.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to fold dollar quoted strings as they're
often used for large chunks of text, particularly function
What is the right place to start in order to implement this? Should I
modify the existing sql bundle?
$sql = "INSERT INTO table (field) VALUES ('".$foo."')";
The bundle in 1.5.6 (1405) doesn't break out of SQL syntax
highlighting properly on the string. To fix sql-string-double-quoted
and sql-string-single-quoted change:
end = '"';
to regex:
end = '.*?"';
Forgive this PHP programmer if Ruby regex differs and there's a
better fix than this!
I think I'm done with HTML anchors after this. The named anchor
commands have evolved into a full indexing bundle due to a positive
response. Apparently I'm not the only one who gets relegated to
creating long listings with anchored indexes at the top, despite my
protests. So the bundle includes the original commands, plus fully
automated index creation, including even/odd row classes, sub-
indexing for multiple sections, and indexing with summaries.
Everything is inserted as snippets for modification.
The bundle includes a help file and can be found at my blog.
Hey all, this might be SLIGHTLY off topic but I don't think it is.
I'd really like to write a command to execute SQL statements against
SQL server, but I'm not sure of a command line tool that I can use
with the command. Not to mention there are plenty of times I'd
rather use a tool like the mysql cli tool rather than a full GUI
app. Is anyone using anything from the command line that works well
for them with SQL Server?
- Cliff
On 6/25/07, at 8:37 PM, Ryan Wilcox said:
>Hello all,
>I use the Pascal bundle quite a bit, and - while the Pascal bundle
>is MUCH better about understanding what a (to use the C term)
>prototype is vs a definition, it still fails when looking at
>functions (pascal methods that return a value).
I have a change for the Pascal Prototype regex. With this regex it passes all the tests in my previous email on this topic (<http://article.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/20600>)
(I believe) The solution is simple:
add (: \w+)? to existing meta.function.prototype.pascal regex so it is:
\b(?i:(function|procedure))\b\s+(\w+(\.\w+)?)(\(.*?\))?(: \w+)?;\s*(?=(?i:attribute|forward|external))
If someone could check this out and commit this change (or one like it) to the Pascal bundle I'd be very grateful.
Thanks so much!,
_Ryan Wilcox
Wilcox Development Solutions: <http://www.wilcoxd.com>
Toolsmiths for the Internet Age PGP: 0x2F4E9C31