This ought to be easy! :)
I want to be able to use "Wrap Word in Link" (currently in the
Hyperlink Helper bundle) in a php file.
With no modifications to the bundle, evoking the activation: <Key
Equivalent> has no visible effect at all.
Adding "source.php" to the Scope Selector List of the bundle, then
trying evoke the action results in
(this language is not supported, see … for more info)
being inserted in the document.
First, how does anyone suggest I get this to work?
Second, "see <ellipsis> for more info" is hardly helpful !!
Dear friends,
several people on this list have brought up the issue of non-sticking
passwords in the new MySql bundle. There were suggestions to
reinstall, revert bundles to original state etc –– I have done that,
but I am still prompted for password with every query and with every
change of table in the database browser.
What is the solution for this problem?
Secondly, I mentioned before that the mysql bundle is not happily
working with non-latin unicode -- queries containing, for instance,
Cyrilic or Greek are not executed as they should (they return no
values), and tables containing non-latin utf8 text display question
marks instead of text.
I am kindly asking for any tips -- the mysql bundle has become
unusable for me, and I need it very badly.
All best,
Hi There,
This seems like a FAQ, but I haven't been able to find the answer
after some looking. Textmate doesn't have a "match entire word" check
box in the find dialog, like most text editors. Presumably, we're
supposed to use regular expressions to achieve the same effect. Most
times, the word is a variable name. So for my variable x in C++, I
want to find all uses including:
I've been trying to bracket the variable with the "non word
character", so I search for the regular expression \Wx\W
This excludes xbar, and foox. However, this isn't quite the same as
matching just the word, as the find dialog also selects the previous
and next character, matching the \W. I can't use it in a replace, for
example. Is there some cleaner way of doing this?
Craig Schmidt
I've been using Textmate with Transmit with no problems for months, now today
the bundle doesn't seem to work. The only thing I think of is that i did
update my textmate yesterday.
now when I use the bundle, i get the tooltip that says "(filename) sent to
Transmit" but nothing happens. I tried docksend by dragging the file from
finder to the transmit icon and it did work. Its just the bundle in Textmate
that doesn't seem to be working with Transmit. I've reset my bundles, even
re-installed transmit.
I am using textmate 1.5.6 and transmit 3.5.6 on OSX 10.3.9
thank you
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Hi everyone :)
Since some months I have had error messages when trying to update my
installed bundles with GetBundle's "Update Installed Bundles" command.
2 different error messages are returned (randomly one or the other,
os so it seems to me) :
1 -> [Target path does not exist]
2 -> [REPORT request failed on '/svn/Bundles/!svn/vcc/default']
Still, after displaying one or the other message, GetBundle tells me
that my bundles were updated an that I can use them...
If I remember well, it all started when I tried to install a bundle
(but don't remember which) and had some error messages during install.
It seems that some people encountered this kind of problem already,
but I couldn't find appropriate solution in this mailing-list archives.
Any help would be appreciated :)
Hi List,
Everytime I click out of textmate - like into firefox say - and then
click back into textmate, it freezes for 30 seconds and I get the
loading spinny thing. I monitor on top and it reports:
377 TextMate 0.0% 1:32.30 3 94 247 128M
16.9M 152M 485M
And then when I click into textmate:
377 TextMate 99.0% 1:46.34 3 97 253 130M+
16.9M 154M+ 487M+
I've defragged and run the OnyX maintence scripts, restarted, trashed
textmate and reinstalled, and rebooted and this still happens. Ideas?
Avi Flombaum
The latest Textmate helpfully highlights SQL in comments, this is
great apart from with Joomla/Mambo code which actually uses a hash in
the table name (this gets replaced before it gets as far as mysql) -
this hash is recognised as a comment, so the end of the string is
ignored and the rest of your file is treated as a comment.
The tables names are referred to as #__mytable. I'm sure if this
isn't the best solution but a quick fix is to open
in Property Editor and navigate to
and change the regex from
Any better solutions gratefully accepted.
Hi Joachim,
Love your Objective-C bundle contributions, use them all the time!
To facilitate a more compact folding I actually prefer a different
way of formatting my methods than what "Completion: Partial Method
Signature" produces. May I suggest to replace
out = out.chomp.strip + "\n\{$0\n#{rv}\}"
with something similar to this (sorry, no Ruby coder):
out = out.chomp.strip + eval(ENV['TM_C_METHODBODY'])
out = out.chomp.strip + "\n\{$0\n#{rv}\}"
so I can adjust it to my preference?