I've been thinking about doing a smart codecompletion thing for HTML.
Then maybe CSS too.
The way it would work would be similar to how CSSEdit and Dreamweaver
code completion works.
Inside of an HTML tag, you hit space to bring up a list of attributes
that are valid for that tag.
Outside of an HTML tag you hit a key command or tab completion to
bring up a list of tags.
Also, it should be smart enough to insert xhtml tags or html4.0 tags
depending on the doctype.
Pretty simple really, but I'm not sure if people really want me to
share this or just do it for myself.
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
hello list.
As I've mentioned before on Allans blog, I'm developing a plugin which
should ease developing Actionscript 2 with TextMate.
The plugin is a interface for Mtasc and has an integrated SocketServer which
can display your trace commands. It also has it's own browser (based on the
WebView of course), which can show which files are loaded by your flash
You can see some screenshots here: http://nesium.com/blog/flashmate/
It works pretty solid right now (I use it for production on a daily basis)
and I hope that I can release a beta version over the next week. So if
you're interested in using it, please drop me a line. I would be pretty
happy if someone could assist me in testing this thing!
After some minutes I'm using LaTeX Watch (which BTW is
simply wonderful and makes writing in latex a
pleasure. Try it!) the Skim CPU cycles go up to 35% (also
when both TextMate and Skim are not active or in
the backgroutnd).
At the same time the process "ATSServer" goes above 20%.
Pretty puzzling since this should be the ATSUI - Apple
Type Service thing, how is this related with TeX?
Am I the only one experiencing this?
Mail has this thing where by when you are typing and you are not sure
of the spelling of the word (or even if such a word exists) you
can press <esc> before yo complete the word & it gives you a pull
down of various choices. Is this something that can be incorporated
in the text scope of textmate?
(note: i know of ctr-apple-D which can check for the word in
dictionary but that is not the functionality I need in this case -
ie, since that assumes you already know how to spell the word...)
ps; interestingly the Mail functionality doesnt seem to work within
a sentence.
I have a problem using the svn bundle with password protected
repositories and the problem is that the bundle can't find ssh-askpass,
which is to be expected since there's no ssh-askpass anywhere in my
system :).
I've search around but all I found is some references to a python
ssh-askpass script.
Any ideas how I can get this thing to work?
hi TextMate'rs,
i have the key binding blues. i'm an old vi guy and i still cannot
deal with the mouse when writing. so, i want to be able to use
TextMate *without* using the mouse. moreover, i want to be able to
use all the keys on the *home row* of my query keyboard (e.g., a-s-d-
my question is how do i ensure that my keybindings override
everything? for example, TextMate uses ^h in lots of different
bundles and i have to hand-edit a dozen different bundles to change
^h to something else. (i thought control- functions were reserved for
user stuff?).
right now, i'm using KeyBindings.dict in ~/Library/Application
Support/TextMate, like so:
/* vi-like navigation */
"^f" = "pageDown:";
"^b" = "pageUp:";
"^w" = "moveWordRight:";
"^h" = "moveLeft:";
"^j" = "moveDown:";
"^k" = "moveUp:";
"^l" = "moveRight:";
"^e" = "scrollLineDown:";
"^y" = "scrollLineUp:";
also, is there anyplace that has the definitive documentation for
what the keybindings are? (TextMate's 'Show Keyboard Shortcuts' isn't
showing my changes). i'm mostly interested in text navigation and
basic word processing functions. i can't believe that i'm nostalgic
for WordPerfect circa 1990 when everything clearly defined via
function keys and you could by a reference card for it :).
neverthelesss, TextMate has more promise than anything i've seen in
finally, are there example key binding configurations for TextMate
that are emacs-like or bash-like or vi-like?
thanks in advance,
Allan Odgaard wrote:
>On 30. Jul 2007, at 17:35, Ryan Wilcox wrote:
>>Since the build dir depends on the active configuration, I am not
>>sure setting the environment variable is that useful, also because
>>you’d have to set this per project.
>In your case, you have the build dir in the .xconfig file? Ideally we
>would extend our code to also look there.
Yes, my build dir is stored in the .xcconfig. Parsing those is no easy matter: you can have environmental variables in there, #include other .xcconfigs...
The annoying thing is that the path is in the project's executable setting: writing the following AppleScript shows the proper path
tell application "Xcode"
tell project 1
set a to active executable
a's path
end tell
end tell
BUT the executable I don't think changes when configurations are switched (right?)
OTOH, would that make a good fall back when we can't find the executable even in $PROJECT_DIR/build ?
Hope this helps,
_Ryan Wilcox
Wilcox Development Solutions: <http://www.wilcoxd.com>
Toolsmiths for the Internet Age PGP: 0x2F4E9C31
Well, there are a few obvious points that (most) everyone wants, better
performance on networked files for example. There are (approximately)
five such Really Obvious(tm) requests (hey, I won't say what they
are--after all, they're Really Obvious(tm), right?), and even for those
that don't affect me personally, it's pretty obvious they need to be
taken care of.
Past that, what _I'd_ like (yes, I'm unique, and possibly completely out
of touch with the rest of the universe :-) ) is--simplicity. I'd like
Alan to concentrate a significant part of his design and programming
prowess on making TM not more powerful, but more obvious.
My canonical example of this is the whole keybindings issue. Currently,
dealing with keybindings in TM involves searching through bundles, using
the Keyboard and Mouse Preferences Panel, and using a keybinding utility
such as KBE. This is just too much info for my little head. I'd like it
all in one place, and if not in one place, at least simpler.
My belief is that TM is currently at a level where (for me)
concentrating on increasing uniformity and simplicity would in real
terms _add_ features to the application, because I suspect that there is
a lot of power I'm not using because I don't have the time to consider
the special cases or esoteric knowledge needed to use already existing
So my real request for TM2 is--don't worry too much about new stuff.
Concentrate on making TM easier to use (keybindings as described above;
optional help strings for bundle items and a streamlined bundle editor;
UI improvements; etc.), and I'll still feel my money is well spent.
(This may have something to do with age. At 43, the days when I both had
the time and the desire to learn about cool "new" features, keybindings,
etc, are long gone. In the last five years, the only truly worthwhile UI
innovation I've come across are: The technique that Quicksilver and
Launchbar use for identifying commands/files, and that TM uses when
moving between files, i.e. type in a not-necessarily-contiguous
substring of a name to identify a command/file/whatever; And
tab-completion in TM. And the second could easily be subsumed in the first.)
Just my $0.02,
I've played some with the SQL bundle but i wonder how to auto-select a
db/config per project.
I've got multiple configurations in my config for the MySQL bundle
But i need to click the config-item that i want to use and if i switch
project i need to click the other configuration first before i can
select a query and run it.
I've tried MYSQL_DB in my project property but that didn't work out...
Regards J.
Hi All,
I'm working on an all new version of the Latex and View command. See my
earlier message for you you can switch to this branch of the svn repository
if you'd like to beta test. I'm hoping to commit a major new version
today. I've attached a screenshot of the configuration window.
Whats missing?
Is the wording on the options for opening the viewer clear?
Here is another big question I've been thinking about. Since all of these
new configuration settings will be stored along with the standard TextMate
prefereces in a preferences file, how much backward compatibility should
this new version try to maintain?
The current Latex and View command has grown organically over the life of
TextMate and there are lots of environment variables that have been added
over time, some that are semi-redundant even.
All of the above can/will be replaced with the new interface, and I think we
should make a break and do away with these.
This one is more interesting. We currently have two ways to specify a
master/root file. Using this variable, or using the TexShop %!TEX directive
embedded directly in the file. The TexShop way seems clearly superior to me
since it allows for more flexibility than a single environment variable per
directory or project. So my proposal is that the environment variable goes
Since we can automatically detect when we should use latex instead of
pdflatex this is redundant and should go away.
As I mentioned above, TexShop allows authors to embed directives right in
their source file that specify a master file, there are others as well. I
propose that we use that same set of directives and allow the following
in-file settings to take precedence over the preferences set in the
preference dialog box:
TS-options -- command line options passed to the latex engine
TS-program -- the typesetting engine to use just for this file
encoding -- how the file is encoded, I don't really know what to do with
this one. Anybody?
I've looked at the TexShop documentation and I think this is it, are there
other %!TEX directives I'm missing?
Brad Miller
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Luther College