Is it possible to create a "palette" using tm_dialog? From a ruby
shell I can create a dialog that reads in a list and then lets me
load a nib asynchronously, clicking add multiple times. It then
returns all of the added choices when I close the nib. There are two
issues I'm working through:
1. When I run the same code from within a command, the dialog (nib)
freezes and takes no input until I cancel the command. I'm using the
wait_for_command loop from the dialog.rb code. I then manually close
the nib from the terminal. Is there something I'm missing?
2. I'd like to be able to keep the "palette" open and insert
snippets (or tags in this case) as I go, rather than upon window
close. I'd like to use this for both the Autotag bundle and the
Wordpress bundle, keeping a palette of Tags/Wordpress snippets open
and insertable at any time. Any way to do this?
Suppose you’re a person with a bad short-term memory doing test-
driven design. (You’d be me.) You’d want to have both the test source
and corresponding product code source visible at the same time. You'd
probably also like to to spend screen real estate to show a couple of
other files as well.
To this novice user, TextMate doesn’t seem like it wants you to be
doing that. For example, apple-t doesn’t remember visits to separate
windows, so when I want to visit “that file I was just in”, I have to
remember whether it was in a tab or a window and use either apple-t
or apple-`. But the reason I want separate windows is I have no
memory for such things.
However, I’m early enough in the Emacs->TextMate switch that I’m sure
I’m missing many things. How do you use TextMate on big screens?
Brian Marick, independent consultant
Mostly on agile methods with a testing slant,
if I create an image and save it to a folder that has been opened in the
project pane, how do I get TextMate to recognise the new files?
the files are on a shared network folder, could this be part of the problem?
(I'm using TM on a Mac mini, with a WAMP set up for my development on a
different box on the LAN)
currently I have to "add existing files"
is there a better way to "refresh" the files and folders in the project
that I've missed?
if all the files were on a Mac would TM recognise new files in project
folders automatically?
Join me:
Engage me:
>> I understand the problem now. However, how come TextMate can
>> detect what encoding was used for a file, and the scanner can not ?
> TextMate can *not* detect the encoding of your files. If you use
> UTF- n encoding, there is a 99.9999…% chance that it will get it
> right, but *any* other encoding, and TM’s guess is based on a
> frequency table and how well your file corresponds to this
> distribution when interpreted in the various encodings.
The problem with TextMate is that it essentially forces people to use
UTF8. I have yet to find a way how to teach TextMate that my default
encoding is Latin1 (even though this is the default encoding which I
have set in the prefs): as long as a TeX file doesn't contain any
special characters, it will automatically assume they are UTF8 files
(ignoring my preference and -- if existant -- the metadata connected
to that file).
> So anything else than mandating UTF-8 will make things break, and
> there is no technical solution to this problem. Sure, you can have
> things work “good enough” for some w/o going 100% UTF-8, and you
> can maybe fix some of the stuff that breaks when you are not using
> UTF-8, but you can never fix it all, so IMO it’s really not worth
> trying to support more than UTF-8, UTF-8 is the solution to the
> encoding problems of the past.
However, going UTF8 is sometimes just not an option. I frequently
exchange files with people who work on Windows, Linux or Solaris and
the standard encoding they use is usually Latin1. Yes, there are ways
how to use UTF8 on other OS, but have you ever tried to convince
someone to switch to UTF8 who still writes his papers in Plain TeX?
Instead of blindly arguing for people to convert to UTF8 (which is
what I would use if I got to choose), you should accept that people
(= customers) want to and sometimes need to work with other encodings
as well.
I'm still longing for an `encoding per project' option which TextMate
would stick to no matter what. And also an error message that tells
me that I cannot save my .tex file in Latin1 because there are some
(invisible) characters that prevent it from doing so (right now,
it'll just revert to UTF8 without telling me).
UC Berkeley
Department of Physics
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to work out if it's possible to
have compound regular expressions in a snippet.
Basically, I want to replace all spaces in a tab-stop with hyphens,
whilst also lowercasing the whole string -- two things I can happily
do separately:
${1/ /-/\g}
but can't seem to work out if it's possible to do both at the same
time. I've tried replacing the tab-stop in one expression with the
output from another:
${${1/ /-/\g}/.*/\L$0/}
but it doesn't work. I know it's possible if I create an intermediate
tab-stop like this:
${2/ /-/\g}
but I don't want to do this as I have no use for the intermediate value.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
I don't know how feasible this would be but at the moment theres no
easy way to get a diff from the commit window of what you are about
to commit, I end up clicking on the diff button for each of the files
I'm committing separately to check the commit.
Could there be a button (next to 'Cancel' & 'Commit') which shows a
diff of all the selected files.
Jeremy Wilkins
I use Version 1.5.5 (1368) on Intel MacBookPro 10.4.10 and have the
following problem:
if I want to open an 400 KB large xml or html file, TM needs over 10
minutes to open it.
Is this normal?
How can I increase the loading speed?
A broken regular expression in the Blogging bundle prevents passwords
from being recognised when they're embedded in the endpoint URL.
Attached patch fixes.
Hi Tobias,
thanks, it worked.
2007/7/5, Tobias Jung <newsgr(a)>:
> At 12:44 Uhr +0200 05.07.2007, Alex Greif wrote:
> > ist there a tool like tidy for pure XML documents? currently I have a
> > very large XML document without linebreaks.
> > I would use the tool to format the xml nicely and then open it in TM.
> Try this:
> tidy -o destiny.xml -iq -wrap 70 --tab-size 4 --indent-spaces 4
> --input-xml 1 --output-xml 1 source.xml
> Hope this helps!
> Regards,
> Tobias
> ______________________________________________________________________
> For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)
> (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)
ist there a tool like tidy for pure XML documents? currently I have a
very large XML document without linebreaks.
I would use the tool to format the xml nicely and then open it in TM.
2007/7/5, Tobias Jung <newsgr(a)>:
> At 12:03 Uhr -0400 03.07.2007, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
> > I regularly have to deal with html documents that have been
> > stripped of all newlines.
> Well, maybe this isn't the kind of solution you're looking for, but...
> Wouldn't it be better to use the "tidy" tool on these files _before_
> opening them in TextMate? After all, it isnt't fun to work with "no
> linebreaks" HTML files anyway.
> Using the following command line in the Terminal should give you a
> cleanly formatted file and leave most of the HTML code itself
> untouched:
> tidy -o destiny.html -iq -wrap 70 --tab-size 4 --indent-spaces 4 source.html
> Kind regards,
> Tobias
> ______________________________________________________________________
> For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)
> (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)