I am hoping someone has solved this problem.
I use latekmk.pl script as $TM_TEX_COMPILER to compile my LaTeX documents
from within Textmate and it works wonderfully on every document I've made,
except for any document that uses the exam package.
The problem is small: I must execute cmd-R twice to get it to compile the
number of points correctly. This is only a problem within Textmate; if I run
the script from the command line it works perfectly. And while it is a small
problem it is vexing, since latexmk.pl was made specifically to deal with
the need to run LaTeX etc. multiple times.
My guess is that there is a bug in either cmd-R (though I can't find one)
or somewhere in the bowels of Textmate.
Seeing as how I used this package frequently, almost daily, I'm guessing
that this need to cmd-R twice will cost me about an hour and a half of my
life in the coming year.
Best wishes
Maybe this is already in the works, but anyways:
Show invisibles needs a (separate) option to show spaces. Even better,
I'd like to see an option to show leading spaces only (Komodo has
this). Makes it easier to see the correct indent level.
Sven Axelsson
Hi there,
Sorry to raise an old question, but I can't find a definitive answer
in the archive - is it possible to turn off the tab bar? In a
previous post (Re: [TxMt] new beta, in Dec, 2004) Allan said, in a
rersponse to a question about hiding the tab/status bars:
> > Why remove the option to show/hide tab/status-bar ?
> I didn't thought anyone would actually use them, and if possible, I'd
> like to enforce that they're always enabled (since I'll rely more on
> these elements in the future).
> I can bring back the option to hide the tab bar.
Did this ever get brought back in? Is it a 'hidden' preference that
can be accessed? I never use the tab bar and would like to be able to
toggle it off if I can.
Hi Folks,
A lot of my projects include some images and for getting a nice
overview, I also arrange these images, together with other related
files, within the project drawer.
If I right click on an image, I can open it with the standard
application (for example preview.app). Would it not be nice to have
an option "Open with..." and then be able to open it in the favorite
graphics program?
I know, it is possible to drag and drop the image on the dock icon of
the graphics program, but an option would easier.
I have a command that relies entirely on the applescriptability of iTerm over Terminal. However as I can't guarantee that iTerm
is installed I'm looking for a way to detect it. Does anyone have any suggestions, specifically when it's not running?
When I work with large projects and using the project drawer it would
be very comfortable and more usable if the folders and files could be
highlighted in some way. I mean exactly the same feature that ships
with OS X. When you right click on a folder/file you can choose a
colour (red, orange, green...) for this item.
> Hi,
> I found a tiny error. Here the corrected utf-8 version of gspell.
> BTW In addition to that it is very easy to write out all google
> suggestions delimited by a '|' within the multiple word spell
> checking. With the help of a small command which shows this list as
> pull-menu you can edit each error very handy ;)
> Cheers,
> Hans
Thanks Hans, before reading your recent replies with the attached
files, I had already started work on UTF-8 version with environment
variable support (I receive the list in digest form, so I'm not
always up to date with the activity here.) I'm not quite sure if my
contribution is any better or worse than yours because I essentially
cannibalised the HTML bundle for encoding and decoding UTF-8 for POST-
ing and GET-ting with Google's servers. As a result my effort relies
on entities.txt existing in the Support directory in the Textmate
bundle (this means that I can no longer supply it as a singular
tmCommand), I genuinely do not know if this is a better method for
handling this sort of thing - perhaps someone on this list could help
Incidentally, I think there was an error in the original version
which was inherited by the version you've supplied - the final tab
stop was not being preserved, to correct this remove the line 'text
+= "$0"' and replace 'print $text' with 'print "#{$text}$0"'.
[The GSpell bundle is available here][1]
[1]: http://homepage.mac.com/andy.herbert/.Public/GSpell.tmbundle.zip
Hey all. I just downloaded version 1.5.5 (1368) on OS 10.4.9.
1. Apple + Enter no longer moves the cursor down one line.
2. The ERB tag creator no longer works (I believe it was CTRL + Z)
Any ideas?
Hi Folks:
I just installed TM 1.5.5 (1383). I have perltidy installed in /usr/bin:
ls -lr /usr/bin/perltidy
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 97203 May 3 13:46 /usr/bin/perltidy
When I execute tidy from the perl bundle in TM, I get:
Couldn't find perltidy
Perltidy is available from here.
Locations searched:
I'm not sure why TM doesn't see perltidy in /usr/bin. Does anyone know
how to fix this?
I'm used to TextMate with Full-screen, which is offered by SIMBL, but
when in full-screen, the drawer disappears for the screen. In fact,
it is still there, but moved to the other ede of the other screen
(yes, i have dual-screen).
To fix it, I've installed the Plugin from Hetima "The Missing Drawer"
which basically includes the drawer into the main panel. But it is
realy not convenient when the drawer is not needed, cause I haven't
found how to make it disappear...
Whatever, this led me to a feature request: a floating drawer.
Is there a way to have one? Even better, has anyone already built a
plugin or something for that purpose?
What do you think of it? A floating drawer, accessible via a
shortcut, controlled and navigated from the keyboard, would you take
benefit of this feature?
Xavier Cambar