I'm working on adding a command to the TWiki bundle that creates a new
document with the raw text of an indicated TWiki URL. (I'll submit a
patch once I'm happy with it.) It would be nice if my command would
set the language of the new document created to "Twiki". How do I do
I thought perhaps I could define a macro (and add it to the bundle)
that calls my command and then sets the language, but I couldn't seem
to get the macro recorder to record my command (or setting the
Hi mate(r)s!
I am a passionate hattrick[1] player, and I don't doubt that there
are some others around on this list as well. Now, has anyone ever
tried to create a hattrick bundle to write forum entries and
announcements? Actually, there's not much functionality needed, just
some formatting (like [b]bold[/b] and stuff), plus specialities like
Anyone ever done this? I have tried to create a new bundle with a new
language, but I failed - no ruby skills (yet - learning it).
[1] http://www.hattrick.org/
I installed ruby 1.8.5 and rails on mac osX 10.4.9 via darwinports.
Ever since, using the run command (cmd-R) for ruby programs from
textmate (latest version) gives me:
"/bin/bash: line 4: Sat Apr 21 17:18:00 CDT 2007 /usr/local/bin/ruby:
No such file or directory"
Interestingly, I get the same message if I try to run a python program
from textmate as well.
There is a file 'ruby' in /usr/local/bin/ and a file 'ruby' in /usr/
>From the command line, "whereis ruby" gives me /usr/bin/ruby
Additionally, if I do the following:
>> 1. Open a new TM document
>> 2. Type echo $HOME
>> 3. Press control-R on that line of shell code
I get:
I previously posted this in the ruby group, but it is really a textmate
problem, and it was suggested I move the question to this group...
C L Snyder
A while ago there was a post about LaTeX syntax highlighting in the case of
where the math mode highlighting would leak outside the brackets.
Apparently this is now highlighted correctly in the stable version of
TextMate. Quoting from the original thread:
>> Should more complicated examples ever arise, I guess I can just put
>> the problematic lines into a separate file and use \input.
> Or just let us know, and we'll try to fix it ;)
> Haris
Well, if you're asking for it, Haris, I'm frequently using constructs
like this one:
which, unfortunately breaks the highlighting. My current workaround is this:
But then again, this breaks syntax highlighting for another editor,
which I'm using on a Linux system.
Any ideas?
As we've discussed before, the current compiler selection logic (in the
Typeset & View command) is a bit of a mess. Below is a suggestion for how it
might be rationalised. Once we've agreed on a plan, I'm happy to implement
One complication is that it's sometimes useful to have compilation under the
control of a custom script – either one that you've written for your
specific project, or a generic compilation tool such as latexmk. The way
that TeXShop deals with this is to have special program-designators "mytex"
and "mylatex", which signify that a user-specified compilation script should
be used. I propose that we adopt this mechanism.
The first task is to decide on the compilation route to use. This will be
one of: tex, latex, pdftex, pdflatex, xetex, xelatex, mytex, mylatex. I
propose trying the following things, in order:
1. Use the %!TEX TS-program specification in the source file.
2. Use the %!TEX TS-program specification in the master file.
3. Use the value of the $TM_LATEX_PROGRAM variable.
4. Sniff for \usepackage commands that suggest (DVI)latex/xelatex should be
5. Default to pdflatex.
If the resulting value is mytex/mylatex, then:
1. Use the script specified in the variable $TM_LATEX_MYTEX or
2. Use the script specified in the TeXShop configuration, if any:
defaults read TeXShop TexScriptCommand
defaults read TeXShop LatexScriptCommand
3. Give up, explaining why.
So, the variables $TM_LATEX_COMPILER and $TEX_PSTRICKS would no longer be
used. For backwards compatibility, we could continue to allow the value of
$TM_LATEX_COMPILER to trump all other considerations (perhaps with a warning
in the compilation window to the effect that this variable is deprecated,
and explaining the new way to do it).
Any thoughts?
I really love TextMate but I hate drawers... I just tried Coda
(http://www.panic.com/coda) and I like its nice UI so, there is any
plan to implement a sidebar like that instead of the actual TextMate
project drawer?
In addition, I'd like to have multiples sidebars like:
- project sidebar
- local/remote file browser sidebar
- class/symbol browser sidebar
- custom sidebar
Calling all flex/flash/as developers:
We need to come up with a unified bundle design for these technologies. I
talked about about this with Allan and it sounds like there are several
people working on these same things. Here are my recomendations:
AS3 bundle:
Should contain ActionScript 3 language syntax, snippets, etc. that are
relevant only to AS3 as a language. (just as the ruby bundle only contains
ruby stuff and not rails stuff).
Flex2 bundle:
Should contain any extensions to the AS3 bundle that are relevant to flex.
Should contain MXML language syntax, snipptets, etc.
Should contain MXML and AS3 templates for new applications and components.
Should contain commands to build components and applications using the flex2
framework standalone lib. ("FlexMate")
Thoughts? Ideas? Improvements?
I'm looking for a way to start/stop the rails server (ruby script/server)
from TextMate. Ideally having the output popup and tail in a new window.
I've been trying to find a way to do this or to create an addition to the
bundle to do this but I've just started using TextMate (2 days) and as such
haven't had much luck.
One thing I tried was just having a command run 'ruby script/server' and
having the output as HTML but it didn't work.
Ryan Galgon
I know this was briefly covered once, but I'm afraid I'm not getting
it. If I want to return two arguments with returnArgument:, how do I
change the name of the selector to pass them?