Hello. I was looking for some help from some RE experts.
We have a lot (as in hundreds of files) of javascript code that uses
the following declaration format:
Because the "function" keyword and the function name are not on the
same line, the Javascript parser cannot populate the function list
with functions declared like this.
Is there a way to tweak the Javascript bundle so that it recognizes
functions declared as described above?
I've been using the blogging bundle for the past month with no
problems. However, yesterday I came back to university and am now
inside the network, with all sorts of restrictions. When trying to do
any of the commands such as posting to a blog, getting the category,
or looking the current word up in google and linking (my personal
favourite) I get the following error:-
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:42:in `new': execution expired (Timeout::Error)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:83:in `connect'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:82:in `timeout'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:55:in `timeout'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:82:in `connect'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:64:in `initialize'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:430:in `open'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:430:in `do_start'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:419:in `start'
... 9 levels...
from /Users/Joanna/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:41:in `call_with_progress'
from /Users/Joanna/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:38:in `dialog'
from /Users/Joanna/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:38:in `call_with_progress'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.IbaTBN:45
I was wondering if anything could be done about it, if I needed to
change some preferences or something.
Thanks, Joanna
Hi all,
I have the key F12 bound to the action "showGuessPanel:" in Cocoa,
which is then re-implemented by TextMate. However, the correction
list is always empty in TextMate when it is full of best guesses in
Cocoa apps.
Test case:
- set up a Cocoa keybinding in ~/Library/KeyBindings/
DefaultKeyBinding.dict (F12 is unicode UF70F) to "showGuessPanel:"
- restart TextMate
- open a new plain text document (with online spell checking enabled)
- type "apparentley " (including the end space to indicate end of
- press F12 (or the keybinding you previously bound)
The guess list is empty, whereas if you do this in a Cocoa app such
as TextEdit, the spelling pane would contain the ranked best guesses
for the correct spelling of the word.
I would actually be happier if there was an action that inserted the
"best guess" without requiring feedback, but I'm not aware if such an
action exists. Is there perhaps a way to macro this within TextMate?
Shift+Cmd+{ has stopped converting Markdown to HTML
Shift+Cmd+} has stopped converting HTML to Markdown
I reinstalled HumaneText.service in Library/Services and get the same
I have the language set to either Markdown or MultiMarkdown and
neither work.
This has been such a great tool. I do not know what I could have down
to have it stop working. Thanks everyone.
Howdy -
More newbie questions. Just from a different one this time. I keep
getting variations on the following
tm_dialog: you have updated the tm_dialog tool to v7 but the Dialog
plug-in running is still at v5.
tm_dialog: either checkout the PlugIns folder from the repository or
remove your checkout of the Support folder.
tm_dialog: if you did checkout the PlugIns folder, you need to
relaunch TextMate to load the new plug-in.
/Users/pedrud/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
dialog.rb:127:in `load': Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data
from /Users/pedrud/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/
dialog.rb:127:in `menu'
from /Applications/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/
from /tmp/temp_textmate.OrBy4u:3
I believe that the clue is in the first line, however, how do I
update the dialog plug-in to v7? Thanks in advance for any help.
> Running Octave scripts from Textmate using Matlab bundle works
> fine, but I'm not sure what sort of output I should use. I have set
> it to 'Show as HTML', since I don't want to create a new file for
> each run and the tooltip option is too volatile. The only problem
> is the text comes out without any line breaks, which is very
> painful to read especially when it comes to vectors and matrices.
You could try wrapping the output in a <pre> tag
i missed your reply until now for some reason, thanks. I'm not quite sure how to do what you suggest, though. My 'runOctave' command is the following,
# just to remind you of some useful environment variables
# see Help / Environment Variables for the full list
echo File: "$TM_FILEPATH"
echo Word: "$TM_CURRENT_WORD"
echo Selection: "$TM_SELECTED_TEXT"
octave -f -q
i tried adding the strings "<pre>, pre, | pre, ..." randomly around that, but with no success. Could you give me further hint or link me some help page?
I also get a very annoying problem: my code calls some functions located in other files, many of them are not read correctly for some reason and generate an error due to a wrong line ending apparently. If i just open them and save them, it works fine. Since running a code in Octave can call many functions, i'd save a lot of time in fixing that problem.
Many thanks,
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I am having trouble running a fairly simple Ruby program (below).
The error that I get in TextMate is:
csh: Bad : modifier in $ (/). /bin/bash: line 4: : command not found
Here's the program (from David A. Black's Ruby for Rails book):
puts "Reading Celsius temperature value from data file...";
num = File.read("temp.dat");
c = num.to_i;
f = (c * 9/5) + 32;
puts "Saving result to output file temp.out";
fh = File.new("temp.out", "w");
fh.puts f;
I'm sure there's an easy fix. Thanks,
Jamie Forrest
This is my first post to this list. I've been a user of BBEdit for
many years, and out of curiosity I've decided to check out TextMate.
I'm actively involved in the MacTeX effort, mainly for testing, and
I've written a set of Applescripts and shell scripts for BBEdit to
play nice with LaTeX. For these scripts I made sure they play nice
with the tricks TeXShop uses for multi-file projects, since TeXShop
is the standard entry-level application that most will use when they
start with (La)TeX on Mac OS X, and if you're compatible with the
starting point, you make it a lot easier to upgrade to a serious editor.
I must say that I like what I've seen so far, but I have some
Textmate runs either the current file or a file pointed to in some
environment variable. I guess there is an easy way to set this
variable, but TeXShop uses a method that is not all that hard to
implement; I did so for some BBEdit AppleScripts [1]. The core is
actually implemented in a (rather ugly) shell script, you may be able
to reuse parts of the script.
TeXShop defines some meta comments, describing the source, and how it
can be typeset. From the help-files:
%!TEX TS-program = command
-- use command to typeset this file (pdflatex, latex, pdftex, texexec
(context), …). If you encounter one of the classic tex formats
(latex, tex), you should prepend with simpdf (simpdftex, simpdflatex)
to handle some code which will not work in pdftex, like pstricks,
simpdf(la)tex will take care of the final conversion to pdf and
%!TEX encoding = encoding
-- this file is encoded in encoding (a string using the Apple system
names, see below for a list). Since all sane encoding use the same
lower 7 bits, you can start reading in US ASCII until this string is
encountered, and re-open in the correct encoding.
-- use Marker in a tags menu.
%!TEX root = Document
-- Use Document as the root for typesetting the current file.
It would be useful to have a "open selection" command that opens a
referenced file, and an open master command. I have some of those in
my scripts in my bundle [1], for regular tex files, and graphics
files (either open the original metapost source, of open the graphic
in preview or so).
I have a sample project that shows most of the issues, mail me off-
list if you are interested.
Maarten Sneep
You haven't had real fun with regular expressions until you've
written a vi regular expression to search for a vaguely remembered
regular expression in a document which describes how they work.
[1] http://www.nat.vu.nl/~sneep/tex/CompileTeX-BBEdit8.dmg
[2] http://mactextoolbox.sourceforge.net/articles/japanese.html
List of supported encodings in TeXShop. There is one item to take
care of in editing TeX sources for Japanese users. The details for
that can be found at [2].
MacOSRoman, IsoLatin, IsoLatin2, IsoLatin5, MacJapanese, DOSJapanese,
SJIS_X0213, EUC_JP, JISJapanese, MacKorean, UTF-8 Unicode, Standard
Unicode, Mac Cyrillic, DOS Cyrillic, DOS Russian, Windows Cyrillic,
KOI8_R, Mac Chinese Traditional, Mac Chinese Simplified, DOS Chinese
Traditional, DOS Chinese Simplified, GBK, GB 2312, GB 18030.
Hello all,
I'd like to propose two additions to the C bundle.
First, an easy snippet: typedef.
I know I can never remember how typedef works, so I propose this
typedef ${1:WhatItIs} ${2:NowCallIt}
Second, a modification on an old favorite: the class snippet.
Most of the classes I write are subclasses of something else.
Except the class snippet echos my colon and subclass declaration.
Meaning, I end up with class declarations like:
class Customer : public Person
Customer : public Person (arguments);
virtual ~Customer : public Person ();
/* data */
(Note the ": public Person" echoed on both the constructor line,
and the deconstructor like).
I suggest modifying the class snippet like so:
class ${1:name}${2: : public } $3
${1:name} (${4:arguments});
virtual ~${1:name} ();
${0:/* data */}
There are a few things I don't like about this, mainly that if
you don't inherit from something you know have to type
"'class', tab, delete, tab, arguments. It also might handle
multiple inheritance poorly, or protected/private inheritance.
Maybe some TextMate snippet wizards (or people with more involved
C++ classes than I) can revisit my snippet to make it work better
with these cases.
Hope this helps,
_Ryan Wilcox
Wilcox Development Solutions: <http://www.wilcoxd.com>
Toolsmiths for the Internet Age PGP: 0x2F4E9C31