Hello all,
I am trying to find information in regards of how to copy and paste text in
a new line, for example:
before snippet:
after snippet:
theText = myText
currently I am able to create a snippet that will copy the selected word and
create a new line like this:
but of course this replaces the selected text so I did the following
and this works great if there is only one line of text but lets say I need
to select a certain word in the middle of a pharragraph then i get the
before snippet:
first word theText second word
after snippet:
first word theText theText = theText second word
as you can tell the snippet inserts the comman din the middle of the
sentence, is there a way to avoid that?
Attached is jpg of what Markdown looks like in Preview
(markdown1.jpg) and what the same file looks like in Print Preview
Excuse my ignorance.
Why does the Print Preview change the Markdown Preview fonts? I
prefer the markdown Preview look.
Is there a way to have the Print Preview print exactly what is viewed
in the the Markdown Preview?
Thank you.
Can anyone advise on how best to do interprocess communication with
I'd like to be able to write a script (or whatever) that will tell
TextMate to select a particular line in the front most document.
AppleScript would be the perfect fit here, but I get the feeling this
isn't possible with TextMate's current scriptability. Am I wrong?
Any other ideas on how to achieve this effect?
Todd Ditchendorf
Scandalous Software - Mac XML Developer Tools
> Yeah, that's because folding patterns aren't currently
> sophisticated enough to
> allow folding for markdown lists, sections (between headings),
> quotations, etc.
> Hopefully this will be different in TextMate 2.0. We'll have to
> see how Allan
> decides to make folding work. If it's based on scope, I hope we'll
> be able to
> fold all of the above.
> If you want to have some other folding mechanism, you could make
> the folding
> pattern more complicated, but it would require mirrored beginning
> and ending
> markers of some sort.
Would it be possible to set it up so that two returns mark the end of
a section to be folded? I ask be cause I'm in the habit of using two
returns anyway to visually signal the end of a heading and if it were
possible to set this up via the Bundle editor, my life would be good.
# Heading
Some text here.
* Maybe a list.
More text here.
# Another Heading.
Hello everybody,
I just wanted to share this experience, to find out if someone else
can report this TextMate behaviour.
In a LateX-document I want to write the following
what comes out 90% of the time is something like this:
At first I thought I just cannot control what my fingers are doing,
but having tried out \emph{de}
while watching on my fingers (getting \emph{ed}) I thought it might
be something related to
TextMate or my setup.
This is what I type:
cmd-i, d,e
This is what I use:
pbook 12" 1GHz
Mac OS X 10.4.8
TextMate Version 1.5.4 (1349)
Can someone report similar behaviour?
Can someone help?
Christoph Biela
(I just joined this list, so I can't properly reply to the original message)...
In the earlier thread about MacFUSE and sshfs, Michael Reece mentioned
that his files get written with a "Dec 31 1969" modification time.
I've seen the same problem. I've only seen this problem when using
sshfs with TextMate. If I touch the file outside of TM, the timestamp
is updated properly.
sshfs works fantastic with TextMate otherwise, so I hope there's a
solution to this.
It's been bugging me for a while: "Shift Right" will leave all lines
consisting only of whitespace completely blank, even removing
existing whitespace.
That really bugged me, so I tried to write my own "Shift Right"
command to replace the built-in one. But it seems that the lines my
code gets are already stripped of 'trailing whitespace'.
Any idea how I can tell TM to leave my whitespace alone?
Hi all,
I have the following document preamble, and I want to compile in
PDFLaTeX, but TM keeps falling back to XeTeXk, and I can't figure out
why. Any suggestions?
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% untitled
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
% Surround parts of graphics with box
% This is now the recommended way for checking for PDFLaTeX:
%\pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX
%\pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \else
\usepackage{graphicx} \fi
%% LaTeX Preamble - Common packages
\usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks,breaklinks,bookmarks]{hyperref} % PDF
hyperlinks, with coloured links
\definecolor{dullmagenta}{rgb}{0.4,0,0.4} % #660066
% coloured links
% \hypersetup{linkcolor=black,citecolor=black,filecolor=black,urlcolor=black}
% black links, for printed output
%\usepackage{epstopdf} % to include .eps graphics files with pdfLaTeX
Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University
Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University
When you have to stay eight years away from California, you live in a
perpetual state of homesickness.
- Ronald Reagan
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
-Coco Chanel
I'm working on an action to allow me to quickly open a url in textmate:
res=$(CocoaDialog inputbox --title "Open URL" \
--informative-text "URL:" \
--button1 "Okay" --button2 "Cancel")
[[ $(head -n1 <<<"$res") == "2" ]] && exit_discard
res=$(tail -n1 <<<"$res")
/usr/bin/env ruby -e "require 'net/http';require 'uri';Net::HTTP.get_print
URI.parse('$res')" | mate
Basically, I'm using ruby to grab the page and output the content to stdout,
then piping that to TextMate. If i call this from the command line, it
works perfectly. problem is, if i call this as an command from within
textmate, it completely freezed the app. The page does open, but tm becomes
completely unresponsive and I have to quit and restart. any ideas what I'm
doing wrong?