Hi Andreas,
> From: Andreas Wahlin <andreaswahlin(a)bredband.net>
> It would be nice to get other symbols rather than just =, I smell a
> good JSON cleanup :)
> I suppose you change these two lines?
> relevant_line_pattern = /^[^=]+=/
> column_search_pattern = / *=/
> into something .. :/
> How'd you change hat to include at least : (semicolon) into the
> pattern matching?
I don't think just changing the patterns will solve the problem. The
reason I haven't gotten to the align-statements version is I'm going
to need to break the statements on language elements and then compare
those structures across lines to decide where to add spaces. It's
non-trivial. To be honest, I haven't had time to figure out the data
structures, yet. As I said, it's on my shortlist, but it's been a
busy couple of months.
Anyway, the code is AFL, so feel free to make whatever modifications you'd like.
Hi folks,
Methods w/ Generic return types aren't being noticed as symbols and
so aren't appearing in the symbol list and can neither be jumped-to
with Command-Shift-T
So .. a method like this:
public ArrayList<String> getNames() {
won't be recognized as a symbol .. I guess the "<Something>" is
tripping it up.
I've been trying to change the "type" part of the
meta.definition.method.java rule from this:
+)\b(\[\s*\])?)\s* # type
+(<(\w+\.)*[A-Z]\w+>)?)\b(\[\s*\])?)\s* # type
but it's not cutting the mustard.
That definition, btw, is found on line 69 of the java language bundle
by way of copying the Java language definition straight from the
bundle editor, into a normal textmate window.
I tried escaping the "\<" ... but I don't think that's necessary (and
it didn't work)
Any language/regex gurus willing to offer some advice?
I just start using Textmate and find the Reformat Paragraph command a
little bit confusing. When editing a text file, I usually leave two
spaces at the end of a sentence, but after "Reformat Paragraph" it
will leave only one space.
Since I've used emacs for quite a long time, it's natural to compare
with the fill-paragraph command in emacs. The behavior in emacs is
(1) if there is one space after a sentence, fill-paragraph will do
nothing; (2) if there is more than one space, fill-paragraph will
change it to two spaces.
Is there a way to change the behavior of "Reformat Paragraph" to match
fill-paragraph in emacs?
I searched the mail archive and find there was a discussion on
Reformat Paragraph in LaTeX mode. I agree that the current
implementation of Reformat Paragraph is completely useless when math
mode or other enviroment is inside a paragraph. Is anything going to
change for that?
getting this error this morning in the commit window, with I think the
latest checkout of bundles
2006-07-07 10:25:25.826 CommitWindow[943] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error
loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL
for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link
edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
Sam D
I am doing this:
grep $TM_CURRENT_WORD references.bib | cut -d{ -f2 | cut -d, -f1
and displaying output as a tool tip to remind me of my BibTeX keys
when entering citations in a document.
It would be fun if there were an Output option "Insert as Drop Down
List" so I could choose from the options that come up and choose to
have one inserted.
Textmate feature request:
Something I've noticed missing, which may or may not be intentional,
is that when using the EDIT > FIND > Find in Project... command -
there is no "status" nor "result message" given.
If I search my project for a string, and my project is fairly large,
Textmate does not show any type of "searching" status message to let
me know that it is still working on fetching the results.
Once my search is complete, and no results are returned, I have no
idea that my search returned nothing, because there is no "There were
no results for this search." type of message.
Perhaps including just the status of the search itself would be
sufficient to solving the second problem.
Version 1.5.1 (1100)
Thank you,
Colin D. Devroe
# http://cdevroe.com/
# http://9rules.com/
# http://chancecube.com/
A new site (version beta for the site and the files latex)
http://altermundus.com/ .html, .tex, .sty .cls only with textmate
Allan thanks !
Alain Matthes
Just to let everyone know,
I just updated the subversion Status window with some crazy new stuff.
If anyone has any errors or problems, let me know.
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
Does anyone other than me find it strange that the Ruby syntax
doesn't even handle basic stuff like keyword operators?
Don't get me wrong, it's one of the most touched language syntaxes
out there.
It finally just got folding the other day :-/
Anyway. I added a few things to Mats Experimental Ruby & Rails Ruby
language syntax[1] and made my own version of it[2]
Mostly just cosmetic stuff.
I also updated my Brilliance Black theme[3] to color the new stuff i
I had been waiting for language injection, but i just couldn't stand
all the gray anymore.
Eventually i'm going to add a Ruby.bracketed language to add nested
group coloring and junk ala javascript bracketed[4]
To actually use this new Ruby Experimental Extra syntax[2] you'll
need to already have Mats Experimental Ruby & Rails Ruby language
syntax[1] installed.
Well anyway, enjoy.
If anyone has any objections with my adding this stuff to the
official ruby syntax, speak now.
[1] http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/textmate/2006-May/010382.html
[2] http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Bundles/Rails%20Extras%
[3] In the official TextMate repo
[4] http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Bundles/
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
I'm trying to use Filter Through Command, but it doesn't seem to be
working right. For example:
1. Create a new document and add the characters "ABCXYZ"
2. Select all text
3. Go to the Text > Filter Through Command dialog
4. For the command, enter "tr -d X"
5. For the input, choose Selection
6. For the output, choose Replace Selection
7. Click Execute
Expected result: The selection changes to "ABCYZ"
Observed result: Nothing changes
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
Note that the command appears to work for other output choices (e.g.,
Show as Tool Tip). It's only the Replace Selection option that's
giving me trouble.