Now, I'm finding it hard to determine which list is more dynamic,
which one his the highest traffic / better signal-to-noise ratio,
TextMate-users or emacs-devel....
But this really drew my attention:
The Emacs rails elisp package includes, quote, "TextMate-like
snippets (snippets.el)"...
There's two conclusions I draw here:
1. Emacs, as the multi-headed, universally-powerful, endlessly-
extensible, despairingly-complex beast of an editor that it is, is
adapting, no doubt successfully, to the agile approach to Rails
programming. And "that screencast" must have had an impact.
2. TextMate is evolving beyond its niche - when a top hacker's tool
like Emacs emulates one of your features, this is a sign that you're
doing something right. So congratulations to Allan and to everybody
on this list! Emulation is the best possible display of respect.
Another topic which has been cropping up lately, and which you no
doubt have thought about it (somewhere in the back of your brains,
when not too busy hacking at this or that bundle) is the following:
How can a resolutely closed-source application like TM attract such
an open-source-like community environment? Does it have anything to
do with software architecture (a closed framework with an open
approach to extensibility through bundles), or with Allan's social
I suppose one day we'll be talking about this here on the list, once
TextMate moves ahead a couple of steps more and becomes *the* Mac
Just my couple of hundred euros.
Kamen Nedev
c/Pelayo Nº38, 5º Izda.
28004 Madrid
(+34) 649 77 80 37
I'm not exactly sure if that's what the menu's called, but I'm
referring to the one that pops up when you hit Ctrl-Shift-Opt-?, as
in ⌃⌥⇧P, and lists all the language grammars starting with P.
Anyway, I always used to move to the arrow keys to select the
language. Now that I think about it I probably could have typed the
first few chars to get where I wanted, but having the number
shortcuts is awesome.
Thank you Allan, for continuing to make TextMate the best text editor
on any platform. CVS support be damned! ;-) Keep adding the small but
useful features like this one and you'll keep your loyal customers
thrilled about TextMate. Like I recently blogged about Apple, it's
the excruciating attention to the smallest, seemingly unimportant
details that really make me love something. I'm sure many others feel
the same.
The major features like snippets are easy to get used to and take for
granted, and will certainly be mimicked. Your innovative features and
attention to detail will set TextMate apart even when the prominent
features are copied. This is easily the best €40 I've spent on
software. It was a steal. Thanks again!
I'm running latest cutting edge build, 1112. Setup Blog works fine,
but nothing happens when I attempt to retrieve or post to blog. Also,
when I go to Blogging help, I get: "/bin/bash: line 83: command not found"
Any Ideas what the problem might be?
I keep having intermittent problems with bundles that use ruby
scripts. I get errors along the lines of:
> /tmp/temp_textmate.gD8qB9:11:in `require': No such file to load --
> erb (LoadError) from /tmp/temp_textmate.gD8qB9:11
Any clue on the cause?
When trying to use this bundle to "Fetch Post", the rb process get's
stuck trying to open a cocoa dialogue window and when I force quit
the rb process, the following message is returned repeatedly in the
open text document:
2006-06-05 22:42:18.007 CocoaDialog[6820] Unknown dialog type secure-
standard-inputbox. Available types:
fileselect, msgbox, yesno-msgbox, ok-msgbox, textbox, progressbar,
inputbox, standard-inputbox, dropdown, standard-dropdown.
Anybody have a solution?
I was getting tired of waiting to fire up Transmit every time I
wanted to edit a file with TextMate over FTP, so I decided to create
my own modest script, I decided to post it here just in case anybody
else found it useful
--- Start "ftpmate"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
REMOTE_FILE=$(echo $1 | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}')
CD="/Applications/ bubble --background-top
EFEFEF --background-bottom CACACA --icon-file /Applications/"
ftp -o $LOCAL_FILE ftp://$1
if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then
mate -w $LOCAL_FILE
if [[ "$MD5_OUT" != "$(md5 $LOCAL_FILE)" ]]; then
ftp -u ftp://$1 $LOCAL_FILE
if [[ $? = "255" ]]; then
$CD --title "FTPMate" --text "$REMOTE_FILE updated" &
$CD --title "FTPMate" --text "Unable to update $REMOTE_FILE" &
$CD --title "FTPMate" --text "Unable to retrieve $REMOTE_FILE" &
--- End
usage : ftpmate [user[:password]@]host[:port]/path
The script attempts to fetch the file and writes it to /tmp/ where it
is opened by TextMate, after the 'mate' process has ended a checksum
is compared to the pre-opened checksum and if it has changed then the
file is uploaded.
I decided to use the bubble requester in the CocoaDialog app because
I am calling the script outside a shell session and want to know the
file had successfully been uploaded.
Likewise I also made a script using SCP instead of FTP
--- Start "scpmate"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
REMOTE_FILE=$(echo $1 | awk -F '/|:' '{print $NF}')
CD="/Applications/ bubble --background-top
EFEFEF --background-bottom CACACA --icon-file /Applications/"
scp $1 $LOCAL_FILE
if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then
mate -w $LOCAL_FILE
if [[ "$MD5_OUT" != "$(md5 $LOCAL_FILE)" ]]; then
scp $LOCAL_FILE $1
if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then
$CD --title "SCPMate" --text "$REMOTE_FILE updated" &
$CD --title "SCPMate" --text "Unable to update $REMOTE_FILE" &
$CD --title "SCPMate" --text "Unable to retrieve $REMOTE_FILE" &
--- End
usage : scpmate [user@]host:path
I love textmate, it's always lacked in CVS support, you add features
that are the easiest to add like subversion or other weird libraries.
But not the ONE thing that is a show stopper for almost everyone.
Every office USES CVS? Why can't this be the #1 priority of textmate?
Textmate as an editor is nothing without CVS support. I hate having
to use BBedit, to browse CVS, or textwrangler, then switching back to
The one and only thing the developers should focus on right now is.
who agrees with me? we your customers want CVS support, and SFTP,
FTP, and networked support, and not through some third party client.
You want to make textmate the worlds best editor? Add in features
that crappy clients like eclipse or zend developer environment have,
that let you browse and commit to the CVS trunk, and roll back.
Anyone who wants, and thinks this is the most important feature of
textmate (aside from being a text editor) please comment and show
your support. I'm personally willing to donate an extra $500 for
seemless CVS intergration, not that crappy bundle that's going around.
As a user interface designer, I could even help you design the
sidebar for browsing CVS, subversion, and feature sets. But everyone
is EDITING files online, it shouldn't be hard to intergrate, there
are SO many free libraries for unix that you can use!!! especially
for the sftp, and so forth, you don't have to re-invent the wheel.
Best Regards your loyal customer,
court kizer
The LaTeX snippets for sections, when they contain a label, look like
\section{${1:section name}}\label{sec:${2:${1/(\w+)|\W+/(?1:\L$0:)/g}}}
Somehow (I don't get the syntax for this yet) the $2 part strips non-
word characters from $1. Is it also possible to do transformations
like replacing umlauts äöü with aou?