Hi everyone!
Maybe you noticed my Bundle already, but for those who haven't.
The GetBundles Bundle is the easierst way to get and update Bundles
from the Macromates SVN Repository.
press CTRL + CMD + I a dialog apears and you can choose the Bundle
you want to install.
To update every Bundle just press CTRL + CMD + U
Download the Bundle and extract it to ~/Library/Application Support/
You don't need to install Subversion, the executable is included in
the bundle.*
*This maybe causes issues on Intel Macs so please report.
Sorry for my bad english
After \catcode`\{=1 nothing any more is recognized; syntax coloring
is lost
and with (l'article) or {l'article} syntax highlighting is lost; the
first symbol ( or { is not found any more
Thanks for your great soft
Alain Matthes
Hi Sylvain, Eric,
Thanks for your replies. The ._ files are the resource fork, as you
pointed out, which is why "find" and other commands can't see them.
The 10.4 "tar" command includes them automatically, and doesn't seem
to provide a way to turn them off. :-( Fortunately, "rsync" does, so
I solved my particular problem by doing an "rsync" of the project to
/tmp and then tarred it up there.
Thanks again for the pointers.
Hi all,
When I "tar" up a TextMate project directory, I get a ._<filename>
file for each file I've opened in TextMate. I've had a look at one of
these files on another system, and it appears to contain TextMate's
last caret position information for the related file. The problem is
that I can't seem to exclude these files from the tarchive using the
--exclude or --exclude-from parameters to "tar". Further, if I try to
use "find" to generate a list of the ._ files, the ._ files are never
in the list. Similarly, they don't show up in the output of "ls", and
can't be deleted with "rm".
Has anyone been able to successfully exclude these files from "tar"?
Is there any way to delete them?
Hi there,
I'm trying to create a drag command on the HTML bundle to have
TextMate insert a <script src="..." /> snippet whenever I drag a .js
file on a HTML file.
I've duplicated the "Insert CSS" snippet but whenever I try to change
the File Types to 'js' the text field clears itself...
Any ideas what may be happening? Is the drag command stuff borked? It
seems to fail only with .js files (I have a drag command I created
some time ago for .as files and it works perfect...)
I'm using TextMate 1.5.1 1031 on 10.4.6 PPC
Thanks in advance...
Hash: SHA1
Just a quick question if there is an estimate on when templates will
be available again in the bundles editor. I just lost one of mine
(made a slight modification and now it is no longer available --
though it still is in the bundle) and would like to make a few
additional templates.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
Is it possible to get the folder contents of the drawer? What I'm
wanting to do is be able to search for a definition in a file
contained in one of the folders in one of the groups in the drawer.