This might be a dumb question, but is there ANY elegant solution for
keeping my Subversion repository in sync with my local files
*including* adding files, deleting files, renaming files? I'm really
trying to get religious about keeping all my projects under version
control, but I find it such a pain in the arse to have to remember to
do svn add, svn delete, svn rename whenever I decide to reorganize my
project files. In every project I do, I always get to a point about
halfway in where I say -- okay, this is messy -- let's combine these
files, delete this one, and rename these more descriptively. Then my
SVN repository gets all out of whack and refuses to let me make
anymore commits, and that's the end of version control for that
project. Happens every time.
It would be so nice if I could sync my TM project to my SVN
repository directly. If I rename something in the drawer, it gets
renamed in the repository too. Delete files? Add files? Same
thing. Is there some way to do this already? If not, how do you
guys handle this issue? And if not, any chance of adding this
functionality in a future release? Could a bundle be created to do
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
in an attempt to do some ruby I have revamped the TODO list command
again, completely. It's now written in Ruby using ERB with a template.
• It removes a bug from the older TODO comment which would descend
into subdirectories for non-project files. So if you had a file in /
and invoked the TODO command it would scan your complete Volume.
• It sorts according to TODO/FIXME/CHANGED categories
• and numbers the items, so you see how much work there is still todo :)
One thing I liked about vim was the continuation of the "*" down the
same column for each line in a block comment. So something entered
(* Hello!
would be formated to:
(* Hello!
* Blah
I implemented this in the O'Caml language by changing the block
comment language rule to:
{ name = 'comment.block.ocaml';
begin = '\((\*.*)\)?$';
end = '\*\)';
beginCaptures = { 1 = { name = 'comment.block.ocaml.begin'; }; };
And adding two snippets for the return key: One for the scope
comment.block.ocaml.begin that would return, space in, and add a "* ".
One for comment.block.ocaml that would only return and add a "* ".
Xefore I charge off and add this for C, is this the best way to
implement this feature? Or am I missing an easier way? I've attached
the two snippets and language syntax for O'Caml if anybody would like
to try ti.
-Corey O'Connor
Forgive the ignorance...
perl -pe '
This there any reason that the above wouldn't work? I'm guessing it
has to with the "-pe" options (which I know nothing about).
I'm working on a bundle command (see below) that converts a plain-
text document (screenplay) to a PHP file for conversion to PDF via
FPDF ( Everything is working just fine except
for two things I just can't figure out--for the record, this code was
given to me by Allen for an HTML conversion and I've repurposed it
for this.
The first problem I'm having is with the very last line of code. The
idea is to get safari to open the generated document in Safari and
process it as a web-page. Because $DST seems to output the file-path
I can't just have it open "http://localhost/example.php", which is
what I want. How do I do that? Is it in the manual, 'cause I missed
that part.
The second question is regarding the 19th line of code:
$this->Cell(5.5,.18," XXXX ",0,0,'L',0);
I want to know if there is a way to define the "XXXX" bit in the
document itself with something like:
$header = example
How would that be done?
Thanks in advance, you guys are really helping make this bundle kick
# first figure out a name for the result
# everything we output within { … } is written to the PHP file via
redirection (see line with the })
# first output PHP header
cat <<HEAD
class PDF extends FPDF
//Page header
function Header()
//Move to the right
\$this->Cell(5.5,.18," XXXX ",0,0,'L',0);
\$pdf=new PDF("P","in","Letter");
# then PHP body (converted from document)
perl -pe '
s/"/\\"/g; #escape quotes
s/\/\/(.*)\/\/|^\/\/(.*)//g; # strip out non-printing comments
0);/g; #characters
0,L,0);/g; #parenthetical
0,L,0);\$pdf->ln();/g; #dialogue
$pdf->ln();/g; #right-transitions
g; #left-transitions
g; #paragraph
# and finally PHP footer
cat <<'TAIL'
} >"$DST.php"
# open the generated PHP file in Safari
open -a Safari "$DST.php"
Dear List,
One of the most striking things to a new user is that the most
important part of the UI for textmate is a button a that is at the
_base_ of the window (v. unexpected) and that is the smallest part of
the UI. I'm quite sure I would not have realised its significance had
I not seen the Screencasts, and I know that people I've recently
introduced to Textmate have had the same problem. Is there any way it
could be made more obvious?
What is the meaning of the "swallow" key for language rules? I
searched the archives, wiki and documentation but I couldn't find a
good definition. Did I miss something?
-Corey O'Connor
> I'm guessing you want it to replace all " with \", in which case
> you would want to escape the \, i.e. s/"/\\"/g
Yeah, I feel silly, that's just it.
And one of these days I'll tell you everything I want to do, I promise.
[There is a question in here... scrub through to the end!]
This is very interesting!
Clearly, folks have a range of different tasks they need to
accomplish and a range of different approaches for doing so.
In my case, what I'm currently doing is ridiculously simple compared
to what some on the list are doing: I'm just editing a small number
of files that make up "a website." I'm editing the files locally...
the files are on a hard drive in a box that's right under my desk.
But to complicate things, I want to be able to see how these files
appear when served from a REAL web server (not just opened from my
disk). Plus, I also want to know how they look from a Windows machine.
So... I've set up my next oldest computer (a G3) as a "server in my
closet." This is my "test" deployment location.
Of course, I also want to deploy the files on a (external) "staging"
server where my client(s) can check things out.
So, at minimum, I have stuff in three places that I (usually) want to
be the same. When I started using TextMate, I was concerned about
that lack of "ftp/sftp/ssh integration."
After I discovered and researched rsync (yes, consider me a newbie as
regards The Power of the Command Line) and TextMate bundles, I'm
suddenly no longer concerned about whether I can open a file "via
ftp" FROM WITHIN TextMate. Or save it back from TextMate "to" the
On Feb 19, 2006, at 10:05 PM, Court K wrote, in part:
> <snip>
> I mean who actually is editing files that ARE NOT going to end up
> on the internet? ...
> <snip>
As other's have mentioned, this is not *quite* the universal
situation... for example, folks editing LaTeX are (I presume) mostly
expecting to see the result in print; folks using TextMate to write
screen plays are also (again, I presume) thinking in terms other than
"web deployment."
The files I am editing ARE intended to go directly for the Internet.
But still I feel no need for "built-in" ftp/sftp/ssh support in
TextMate. In part this is because I'm always working with the same
set of files and their location on the net is always the same. And
no one else is editing them other than me.
So my Question:
What are folks doing that makes them want to see built-in ftp/sftp/
ssh support in TextMate? One situation I can imagine is the desire/
need to open many arbitrary files that are located in many arbitrary
locations on the Internet. I don't have a good picture of when
anyone would be needing to do that though. Are people doing that?
For me, the files I want to edit are on my computer. Periodically
they need to be uploaded to the net, but my editing sessions don't
begin from copies that were on the net.
Just Curious! ;)