Hi Robert, hi Mark (et al.),
I've just downloaded TextMate and subscribed to this list, curious if
there's also a ConTeXt bundle to work with.
As I have read your thread from last year I was wondering how things
are going?
Or does anybody else has good news for us ConTeXters?
I have a server that gets all the åäö (and the like) botched when I
upload my stuff to it. I hate to see all the ä stuff when I
edit, so I thought a macro to do a project wide search and replace
would be nice just before uploading the stuff.
I tried to record a macro that would do a project wide find/replace,
but it didn't seem to work. Suggestions?
A reference to characters can be found at
> inspired by the UI thread I hacked together a TextMate plugin. It
> shows all bundle shortcuts applying to the current scope whenever a
> modifier key is held for more than a second.
I agree this plugin is fantastic, but I had to remove it after just a
few minutes of use as I had no idea I often hold modifier keys while
I'm thinking, and it kept popping up when I didn't want it to.
Simply changing the method to invoke it would make it immensely more
Thanks for your work on this! Very cool idea..
CLIXEL Design & Coding -- http://clixel.com/
BRAINFAG Comics -- http://brainfag.com/
I'm evaluating TextMate (coming from Vim) and I really like what I
see. I'm now trying to create my first Bundle, to deal with some
editing I do every week to create the Caml Weekly News. The format
I'm using is xml, so I'd like to have a Bundle with the same language
syntax, a few new snippets, and a command stolen from the HTML bundle.
About the language syntax, I'm a little confused by what the manual
says (http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/
language_grammars#language_grammars) about scopeName:
"scopeName (line 1) — this should be a unique name for the grammar,
following the convention of being a dot-separated name where each new
part specializes the name. Normally it would be a two-part name where
the first is either text or source, and the second is the name of the
language or document type. But if you are specializing an existing
type, you probably want to derive the name from the type you are
specializing. E.g. Markdown is text.html.markdown and Ruby on Rails
(rhtml files) is text.html.rails. The advantage of deriving it from
(in this case) text.html is that everything which works in the
text.html scope will also work in the text.html.«something» scope
(but with a lower precedence than something specifically targeting
So I tried a scopeName of "text.xml.CWN" to see if I would get XML
like syntax hilighting for free, but it did not work. I had to do:
{ scopeName = 'text.xml.cwn';
fileTypes = ( );
patterns = ( { include = 'text.xml'; } );
including the text.xml language.
Is this the correct way to proceed?
Another question is about the presence of a support directory in a
tmbundle (as there is one in the html bundle). Do they need to be
created by hand in the Finder, or is there a way to add a Support
file using the Bundle Editor?
My last question is about snippets: it seems that it's not possible
to invoke a snippet while completing one (that is, in the middle of
tabbing through all the fields to fill). Is it the case?
Thanks a lot,
Alan Schmitt <http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~aschmitt/>
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool
Is there a way to run some code from a Bundle before TextMate opens a
file? The idea would be that when I run either:
$ mate foo.c
$ mate myprojectdir
and then click on foo.c I get to see if foo.c is version controlled
and then I check it out if it is. The version control system that I
use (BitKeeper) has a 'get' mode that checks out the files read-only,
and before editing you have to check them out in 'edit' mode. I have
written a function in a bundle that does this, but I have to call it
manually. I would like that to be automatic...
pgp fingerprint: BC64 2E7A CAEF 39E1 9544 80CA F7D5 784D FB46 16C1
Hi Folks,
inspired by the UI thread I hacked together a TextMate plugin. It
shows all bundle shortcuts applying to the current scope whenever a
modifier key is held for more than a second.
It really is just a proof of concept and missing some features. I am
not even sure if I will continue to work on it and am kind of busy
the upcoming week, but I was curious about what people thought about
that one. Is it useful at all?
Get it here: http://www.cocoabits.com/TmShortcutSnitch/
hi Sebastian Friedrich,
I am copying this reply to the textmate user list (which you can join
at http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate), since I am
a bit crunched for time right now.
Original request:
>i saw that you are maintaining the perl bundle for textmate. if
>that's the case, is there any possibility to add html (or even sql
>for that matter) syntax coloring in HERE documents in similar ways
>that js/css/php scope is activated within html. I find myself having
>to edit lots of html within perl scripts (yeah, nobody i work with
>uses templating) and it would be quite helpful if there's a way to
>turn on HTML scope within those HERE blocks.
>for instance, a HERE keyword like HTML_BLOCK would trigger all
>content to be html scope with variables ($, @) highlighted as such.
>print <<HTML_BLOCK;
>any chance you would like to implement that or could give me some
>hits on how to get this to work. Thanks so much in advance.
I think this should be pretty straightforward, declaring the .heredoc
scopes to inherit styling from html (in cases where all heredocs are
HTML styled) or making a new .heredoc-html scope to match only names
with "HTML" in them which then inherit from HTML styles.
Could someone on the list help out with details?
best wishes, Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
Has the problem with using environment variables for macros been
solved yet? I have a problem using the macro "Generic Completion" in
the LaTeX bundle. It complains about "/Macros/LaTeXcomplete.pl" not
being found, and since the command line is
command = "\"${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/Macros/LaTeXcomplete.pl\"";
I suspect it's a problem with setting TM_BUNDLE_PATH.
> I'm working on a solution which takes the output from MTASC and
> outputs HTML when there's an error, and a OK tooltip when things are
> fine. It's almost there but the links back to the files don't quite
> work just yet... I just don't know enough about bash and regular
> expressions :(
http://tinyurl.com/d8syh ought to help you out with the HTML error list.
As far as real-time syntax checking, I've been thinking about throwing
together a solution with a combination of the technique mentioned in
the above link and the awesome stakeout.py script to watch for file
saves. I'll let the list know if/when I get anywhere with it. Peace,
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022