I'd love to be able to fold comment blocks. (I'm thinking ruby, but
really, any language)
I suppose it'd be possible with a simple modification somewhere in the
language bundle. Any pointers?
I'm sorry if this is a totally obvious question, but I'm trying out
Textmate after years of using BBEdit and I'm a bit lost.
I can see that there are built-in templates for XHTML documents, and
in the bundle editor I can apply a quick-key to, I assume, create a
new template, but pressing this key does nothing.
The whole concept of bundles and templates is really confusing. All I
want to do is create a new document via quick key with some pre-
determined text in it - how do I do this? Do I actually need to use
command line commands to do this?
Slumming at the BeatnikPad : http://www.beatnikpad.com/
The person you love is 72.8% water.
I'm subscribed to http://macromates.com/textmate/changelog.rss -- but
couldn't download the latest from the provided link until I changed
the suffix to .tbz instead of .zip. HTH.
Ryan Platte
Even though the language says HTML, all snippets are actually
XHTML ... so I was just curious about the rest of the HTML bundle-
thingies, everything seems to be HTML compatible, right? It's just
that the "code"-snippets happen to be XHTML?
So if I just edit them, I'll be HTML set?
Is there a reason why command+t and shift+command+t don't work the
same way?
It may be bad coding to have lots and lots of symbols in one
document, but html files (and some js files) can get big and I'd like
a good way of quickly navigating around the symbols.
In 499, if I try to check for updates I get the error:
Remote file or URL was invalid
Slumming at the BeatnikPad : http://www.beatnikpad.com/
The person you love is 72.8% water.
Hi all,
I am now getting the RSS feed on the changes and getting the new
versions from the in-app update. This is good. I noticed that one
change is that the command line utility has been renamed from "tm" to
"mate" to prevent what I have already done too many times! (I guess
that rm is just too ingrained into my fingers to learn tm.)
Thanks for this change and how do I get the new script? Is it the
same as tm and I should just rename tm? Or, is it a new script that I
should install?
I've got an idea to make it possible to have a "Send to TextMate" and
"Edit in TextMate" in a browser window, the first being to send a
text block to TextMate the second to send text and allow saving the
changes back to the server. Trying to think of how best to make this
possible. So far I've got three possibilities:
1. A browser plugin that takes control of a new MIME type and when a
link is clicked the mime type is sent and the plugin saves the file
to /tmp and then opens it with a helper application that takes over.
Issue being the complexity of using a plugin and compatibility
between browsers. Also that it takes changes on the server-side in
reguards to MIME types.
2. A placeholder browser plugin that does nothing, but can be tested
for. A protocol helper link is placed on the page by a script if the
plugin is found. The helper application takes over when the link is
clicked (like a mailto link).
3. Simply have a protocol link that's broken for non Textmate users.
Anyone else have any slick way they can think of handling this?
Possibility one has the advantage of being what mediawiki uses for
this, and it could be supported pretty easily, on the flipside it's
also the most complex option, and pretty invasive really. I'm sort of
leaning toward #2 at the moment.
>>>> I'm getting this error after copying the new command line tools to /
>>>> usr/local/bin:
>>>> tm: you need to update this helper tool.
> This is actually quite strange, since the protocol used to
> communicate with TM and the tool is at the same version as it has
> always been (so no combination of TM and the tool should give this
> error).
> The only reason I see is that the TM started actually predates
> implementation of the protocol. Do you keep old versions of TM
> somewhere on your disk (even the trash counts here)?
Nope, no old versions on disk. However the issue mysteriously
disappeared when I checked just now.
*crosses fingers*
- Ben