How do people feel about having TextMate set the creator code for saved
1) should it do it only for files w/o extension?
2) for specific (user setable) extensions?
3) have a global on/off switch?
4) be setable in the save panel?
The "problem" with creator codes is that they take precedence over file
extension, so if for example you save a .html file with TextMate, that
file will open in TextMate (if double clicked) even if you've
instructed Finder to use OmniWeb to open HTML files (but you can change
it pr. file though).
So creator codes does IMHO break the "change all" feature of Finder.
Personally I'd probably like #1 from above, maybe #2, though I
generally do prefer my files to have a blank creator code.
I'm not that creative so I haven't figured out how to do this yet.
I have the following structure
I usually create a TM-project for the source-folder.
How can I make a macro that executes the makefile?
Or any other ideas on how to simplify compiling?
Hopefully I will only be using the terminal to start my programs
Ivar Åsell
Not sure if this has come up as an issue yet ...
When defining files to match a language syntax ( currently fileTypes =
( ext1, ext2 ) in plists), what about defining a file match by way of
Is there a way to do this that I just don't know about?
I'm trying to get a command set up in Textmate to open the current file
in FTPeel in order to invoke the Magic Mirror command (uploads the file
to the appropriate directory on the appropriate server automatically).
I found this script to do it in VIM:
> " FTPeel
> fun! MagicMirrorIt()
> let path = substitute(expand("%:p"), '/', ":", "g")
> let nice_path = substitute(path, "^:", "", "")
> execute('!osascript -e "tell application \"FTPeel\" to open \"' .
> nice_path . '\""')
> endfun
> map :call MagicMirrorIt()
Basically, it's as easy as calling an Applescript with the command
'tell application "FTPeel" open $TM_FILEPATH'
except FTPeel has a bug with converting the unix filepath to a "mac"
filepath (users:toby:home:sites:file) because it leaves the initial /
in the mac path...i guess what the VIM command above does is remove the
first / (i think) would I go about doing this as a Textmate
Thanks for your help!
Something I have become accustomed to in my Win32 text editor of choice
(Homesite+) is customizing the syntax highlighting so that comments have
a different (yellow) background color.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Robert Occhialini
Thanks, Allan. Now to put my money where my mouth is and buy a license.
> On Nov 16, 2004, at 4:03 PM, Stuart Wheeler wrote:
> > Now all I need to do is work out how to determine the number of
> > characters and words I am highlighting (without manually counting
> > them). Is it possible to do that in TextMate at the moment? If I can
> > find that out then I'll buy a license.
> You can create a command (menu: Command / Edit Commands…).
> Set the Command(s): to “wc”, Standard input to “Selected text” and
> Standard output to “Show as tooltip”.
> If you bind a key to this command, you get the “lines words characters”
> shown for selected text as a tooltip when you press the key -- it's not
> as convenient as having the information in the status bar all the time,
> but I hope it'll make do until I add it.
From the b4 release notes:
> Navigation -> Go to Header/Source now also work for non-project windows (although the plan is to remove the non-project windows).
I'm understanding this to mean that in future it will be necessary to
create a project for everything. Is that right?
If so, the input I'd offer is that this is how Dreamweaver worked for
years. You had to define a 'site' before you could make even the
smallest edit to a file. It was a PITA and eventually Macromedia agreed
to change the behavior.
TextMate has scratch projects though, which I hope would avoid the
situation whereby the user needs to jump through hoops just to make a
small edit to a file they don't usually work with.
I notice that if I do a multi-file search across a project with positive
matches, close the project and open up another one, the old list of
files from the previous project will remain in the Find in Project
dialog. I would have thought that the list would be closed with the
project, no?
Do the evolution. Get Firefox!
I've just discovered TextMate and am seriously considering buying a
I have tried numerous text editors in the hope that I would find one
that really delivered. Many seem to be ports from other platforms and
haven't truly embraced the capabilities of OS X. SubEthaEdit was
closest I had come to something I liked (especially the price), but it
still lacks a lot and frankly I don't need the collaborative editing.
People kept telling me that BBEdit was the ultimate editor but despite
claims it was totally rewritten for OS X, it's still Carbon (despite
BareBones' earlier claims of it being in Cocoa - the black and white
spinning disk is a bit of a Carbon giveaway), and it really didn't
strike me as such. It seems like a throwback to the pre-OS X era (and
is therefore bound to have plenty of pre-OS X cruft). I tried it
several times and just couldn't get on with it. The file drawer was
klunky and on several occasions I had huge problems saving and opening
files. It's visually unappealing with its stupid little buttons. It
feels bloated and a little buggy. Another major downside I found was
that as I had previously tried earlier versions of BBEdit, the demo
period would suddenly end without warning and any work I was doing was
suddenly lost. Thanks, BareBones, not the best way to woo a prospective
license owner!
The only thing I did like about BBEdit was its ability to tell me how
many words and characters I was highlighting.
Today I read the following article on MacDevCenter about text editors:
I decided to take a look at TextMate and Smultron. In Smultron I
instantly liked the way I could see exactly how many words and
characters I had highlighted. This is important to me as I have a
number of forms with specific length fields I write text for. It's also
a fairly standard feature of many editors. In fact I prefer the way it
is done in Smultron over BBEdit. There are a few other things in
Smultron I liked, but when I fired up TextMate I was instantly blown
away. It just felt right.
Now all I need to do is work out how to determine the number of
characters and words I am highlighting (without manually counting
them). Is it possible to do that in TextMate at the moment? If I can
find that out then I'll buy a license.