FTP Mount via the finder is read-only. That would be kinda
pointless for this application wouldn't you think?
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004 12:33:20 -0500, Nick Hristov <hrisnik(a)> wrote:
> Why not just do an ftp mount through the finder?
> Nick
> On Oct 6, 2004, at 11:58 AM, Lucas K. Mathis wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed Tomas Jogin saying:
> >>>> I hope ftp-support is added soon, not just being able to edit a
> >>>> remote file, but actually being able to associate a project with an
> >>>> ftp account.
> >>> Is there any reason why you don't use an actual FTP application for
> >>> this? Interarchy has some awesome features for this kind of work.
> >>> What I do right now is this: For each Project in TextMate, I have an
> >>> FTP Disk in Interarchy. When I open a Project, I mount the FTP Disk.
> >>> Whenever I change something in TextMate, it's being uploaded
> >>> automatically to the FTP server.
> >> The reason I don't want to use an actual FTP application is that I
> >> don't want to incessantly switch between the editor and the
> >> ftp-application.
> >
> > Using FTP disks, you don't have to. Of course, it's not quite as nice
> > as
> > absolute automation, but it's pretty close. And it could probably be
> > totally automated using AppleScript by having a script that opens both
> > the Project and the Interarchy FTP disk.
> >
> > Once both are open, you don't have to do anything in Interarchy
> > anymore.
> > It will pick up on any changes you make in TextMate (or any other
> > application) all by itself.
> >
> >
> >> The interarchy feature you mention sounds pretty nice, and in fact
> >> I'll download Interarchy right now, because it does sound sweet, but
> >> having it integrated with the editor would be even better. By the
> >> way, something like that isn't possible with Transmit (which I
> >> currently use), right?
> >
> > No, Transmit doesn't do anything like that as far as I know. FTP disks
> > are a unique feature of Interarchy.
> >
> > lucas
> >
> > - --
> > "These guys are pretty cool - even though they're sixty."
> > -- Beavis & Butthead (about Aerosmith)
> >
> > Version: PGP SDK 3.2.2
> >
> > iQA/AwUBQWQkQLXYdom/dB2cEQKYdACgmZYdBNb4NtRTjweCzWyYU2vsbzIAoMQ9
> > GXF/o6AFjsPVB9hl2qW7VSjc
> > =S7Mp
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > _______________________________________________
> > textmate mailing list
> > textmate(a)
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> textmate mailing list
> textmate(a)
I've got a rough cut at XML and Java syntaxes done. They're available
in my Subversion repository[1].
__ ____
/ / / __/ Brian Lalor
/ _ \/__ \ blalor(a)
Gread job so far, macromates!
Here is stuff to think about:
- AppleScriptability (pardon my ignorance, is it scriptable)?
- Gutter: use color lines as clues for start and end of code blocks
(steal that idea from jEdit :)
- Preferences? Editting bundles is an unpleasant hybrid between mac and
unix. (btw., in the short term you can create a "themes" part on your
website and place collections of bundles there ... has a few already).
Did I say you have done great job? Hope you bury bbsoftware :)
Hash: SHA1
On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed timothy martens saying:
>Any plans for XHTML/CSS code hinting?
The main feature I use in BBEdit is the excellent CSS support. I can
easily create new CSS rules and find out what the correct syntax is.
Having something similar in TextMate would be great.
- --
"Wine makes a man more pleased with himself; I do not say that it makes him more pleasing to others."
-- Samuel Johnson
Version: PGP SDK 3.2.2
Hash: SHA1
On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed David Heinemeier Hansson saying:
>SFTP support is planned for version 1.1. And unlike most editors that
>merely integrate with Transmit or other existing programs, the plan
>is to have support from within TextMate.
In addition to that, I would love to be able to use TextMate as an
external editor for other FTP applications like Interarchy.
- --
"It's that dude! The Grim Rapper!"
-- Beavis & Butthead
Version: PGP SDK 3.2.2
> On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed Tomas Jogin saying:
> >I hope ftp-support is added soon, not just being able to edit a
> >remote file, but actually being able to associate a project with an
> >ftp account.
> Is there any reason why you don't use an actual FTP application for
> this? Interarchy has some awesome features for this kind of work. What I
> do right now is this: For each Project in TextMate, I have an FTP Disk
> in Interarchy. When I open a Project, I mount the FTP Disk. Whenever I
> change something in TextMate, it's being uploaded automatically to the
> FTP server.
The reason I don't want to use an actual FTP application is that I
don't want to incessantly switch between the editor and the
ftp-application. I just want to hit a shortcut key to upload the
document I'm currently editing and that's it. Often times, I have many
documents open at once, which reside in different directories. If I
used a separate FTP-application, not only would I have to switch to
it, but I'd also have to traverse to the right directory, on both the
server and the client, and then upload the file in question -- instead
of just hitting a keyboard shortcut in the editor and that's it.
The interarchy feature you mention sounds pretty nice, and in fact
I'll download Interarchy right now, because it does sound sweet, but
having it integrated with the editor would be even better. By the way,
something like that isn't possible with Transmit (which I currently
use), right?
Thanks for the tip on Interarchy, but the feature request still stands. ;-)
Best regards,
Tomas Jogin
Is there a command to revert a file to it's saved state? It'd be
easier than closing the file (declining to save my changes) and then
re-opening it.
__ ____
/ / / __/ Brian Lalor
/ _ \/__ \ blalor(a)
Hash: SHA1
On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed Tomas Jogin saying:
>I hope ftp-support is added soon, not just being able to edit a
>remote file, but actually being able to associate a project with an
>ftp account.
Is there any reason why you don't use an actual FTP application for
this? Interarchy has some awesome features for this kind of work. What I
do right now is this: For each Project in TextMate, I have an FTP Disk
in Interarchy. When I open a Project, I mount the FTP Disk. Whenever I
change something in TextMate, it's being uploaded automatically to the
FTP server.
I'm not sure what exactly the plan is as far as TextMate's FTP support
is concerned, but if you need this right now, Interarchy can provide it.
- --
"I know why the caged bird sings."
-- Maya Angelou
Version: PGP SDK 3.2.2
Many congratulations on the release. TextMate is truly impressive
I certainly wouldn't want to start any holy wars already, but I've
written a small comparison of TextMate and my current daily editor,
SubEthaEdit, that might be of passing interest.
As others have already observed, for programmers, an editor is the one
piece of software in near-constant use, and deciding to switch to a new
editor is a big, very personal, deal. I never could appreciate BBEdit
in the way that many others do -- for me, TextMate is already streets
ahead of BBEdit in terms of comfort. There are things about
SubEthaEdit I'd sincerely miss, however, despite the excellent
additional features offered by TextMate. The 30-day trial (and what I
suspect will be a fairly aggressive release schedule of improvements)
are very welcome in making that decision.
article seven Andrew Green
automatic internet andrew(a) |