>Given that TextMate is pretty good at piping output from shell
>commands, would it not be possible to automagically generate a running
>"TODO" list in a file using a command similar to this...?
> `grep -r FIXME /Users/USERNAME/Sites/FooProject/`
You could pipe it to an external file. In the Filter Through Command window, choose "Document" and set it to "Show as tooltip" so it's non destructive to your current file, and run:
grep -r FIXME >~/project/TODO; open -a /Applications/TextMate.app ~/project/TODO
It will auto-generate and pop open for ya.
I can't decide if this is a TextMate question or a GREP question, but
here goes.
Like a lot of people, I frequently use HTML comments like this to
remind myself where known problems exist:
> `<!-- FIXME sibling P tags not taking margin/padding in IE/Win -->`
Given that TextMate is pretty good at piping output from shell
commands, would it not be possible to automagically generate a running
"TODO" list in a file using a command similar to this...?
> `grep -r FIXME /Users/USERNAME/Sites/FooProject/`
Is that sensible? And how might I set that up in a doc to refresh
itself? Better as a separate shell script I'd call up somehow? Maybe
better off as manual macro I run when I want updates? TIA.
(Man, I'm just *loving* the possibilities of this app)
Merlin Mann
I'm just trying out TextMate and I very much like the feature for collapsing
brackets. (I remember seeing a post on some mac blog about using
OmniOutliner to write code just so a similar feature could be achieved.
However, I have a suggestion. I have trouble distinguishing between the
little triangle icons used on the left side. I was thinking adding color to
them would make it much easier to see which is the top and bottom and which
is collapsed. So I looked in the resources of the app and found the graphics
files and tried changing them. The colors I chose are perhaps a bit much,
but perhaps this post will inspire someone else (or the developers) to come
up with a better color scheme.
I went with a red-yellow-green stop-light color metaphor. Green is the top
of an open triangle. Red is the bottom of an open triangle. And Yellow is
a collapsed triangle. If that makes any sense...
Basically, I changed these files:
Folding Bottom Cap.png -> tint Red
Folding Collapsed.png -> tint Yellow
Folding Ellipsis.png -> tint Yellow
Folding Top Cap.png -> tint Green
I've attached a zip containing my newly tinted PNGs. I'm not sure if this
mailing list will let attachments go through, but if it does, enjoy.
Otherwise, I guess you'll have to tint 'em yourself.
Simon in New Orleans
I'm trying to work up a command to call ant with for my Java bundle.
I'm confused by the dual-pane window that's displayed. The bottom
looks to be just the entire output of the command with line numbers in
the gutter. The top I just don't grok, however.
It may be that I'm completely missing the point of the command output
window; if so, please set me straight. :-)
Does the pattern matching expect every single line to match the
pattern? For example:
/path/to/file:1: error on line 1
/path/to/file:2: warning on line 2
"ant -emacs" has output like this:
Compiling 1 source file to
cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Foo
location: class
private static Foo bar = new Baz();
cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Baz
location: class
private static Foo bar = new Baz();
I'm not sure what the command output window is trying to accomplish...
I've got my command set up like this:
Before running command: Save modified files in project
Command(s): ant -s build.xml -emacs
Standard input: None
Standard output: Show in separate window
Pattern: ^(/[^:]+):(\d+):(.*)$
Format string: $3
File register: 1
Line: 2
This causes the command window to look like this:
I would expect that the top part of the window would only show the
lines that matched the regexp, at a minimum, but I really think it
should perhaps highlight the line, make it clickable (to jump to the
source), etc.
I think what's needed (for compiles, anyway) is to have the command
output displayed in a pane in the project window (say, at the bottom)
and display each line of output from the command. Each line that
matches the regexp should appear in a different color, and, if the
line, and possibly column, are given as registers, the top part of the
project window should jump to the line and file, leaving the lower pane
in place. I tend to keep my code windows up so that they take up most
of the screen real estate (especially with the project drawer open).
The command window really gets in the way. But I think it's a step in
the right direction, because I want to be able to jump to a line in the
__ ____
/ / / __/ Brian Lalor
/ _ \/__ \ blalor(a)bravo5.org
/_.__/____/ http://bravo5.org/
Slightly improved C/C++/Objective-C bundle:
* Keyword corrections for all languages.
* Move to a more conventional black-on-white color scheme.
* C++ inherits from C to make this more manageable. Although C++ is not
a strict superset of C, the differences are extremely slight (for the
purposes of TextMate, at least).
* That's all for now.
I'm happy to coordinate further improvements to the C bundle; you're
also welcome to grab my changes and post your own version if you
prefer. Highlighting could be further improved. There are a zillion
useful macros and snippets to be written. Makefile syntax could be
factored out into a "Unix" bundle, one that would also support the
myriad shell scripting formats.
Allan/Macromates folks, please consider including at least the keyword
modifications in future versions of TextMate.
Share and enjoy,
I'm trying to use Profont, but if I type an f followed by an i, the
spacing goes crazy, ie. the letters move close together, but the cursor
moves as if the spacing was normal. This happens only for f and i, and
I haven't seen this in any other apps using ProFont.
Is anyone else having the same problem?
First thanks to Allan for all the great work on TextMate ^o^.
Sorry if any of you in the mailing list do not like long mails. If you
do not want to read it, just jump to the next mail in you mail box ;-)
And sorry for putting so many things in one mail, but one mail is
easier to skip or remove than 3 or 4 ;-)
So there are my list of remarks about TextMate. They do not mean that I
do not like them program. On the contrary, I just want it to be even
better ^o^. Feel free to criticize any of them (except the first one).
First, I do not really care if the preferences are in there own dialog
box or in the menus. In the menus, it has the advantage of being faster
to change. But with the feature list that will certainly grow in the
future, some things will certainly have to be put in a separate dialog
box. (And no, do not reply to this paragraph, as it has already become
a troll on this mailing list ;-))
'Re-open with encoding' is great but the encodings list is quite short.
UTF-32 is not even there. If someone works a little with Japanese text,
he will need Shift-JIS and EUC-JP. Someone with Chinese text might want
Big5. Even a westerner wanting to use the euro symbol might want
ISO-8859-15. The best would be to be able to add or remove encodings in
the list. The same thing would be great in the 'Save' dialog (the list
should be the same in both places and be editable at both places). And
adding it in the 'Open' dialog would be great too.
Little bug : if we select 'other' in the View->Tabs Size menu, nothing
happens. There should be a dialog box asking for the number of spaces
you want.
An other little problem I have is the drawing of CJK characters. These
characters are wider than latin characters and as they are drawn today
in TextMate, a character may overlap with the previous and next one. In
terminals, this is generally handled by making them double-width. In
SubEthaEdit, it is quite strange as they are not fixed size at all,
some are larger than others. If you want any screenshot, example, just
Note that I am in no way good in Chinese, Japanese or Korean, I just
made a few Ruby scripts to help me train my Japanese, and they do
include some Japanese characters.
For the ligatures problem, if it has not been corrected in the sources
yet, it's quite easy to correct:
If you want ATSUI not to use common english ligatures (fi, fl):
ATSUFontFeatureType type = kLigaturesType;
ATSUFontFeatureType selector = kCommonLigaturesOffSelector;
ATSUSetFontFeatures(myATSUStyle, 1, &type, &selector);
and if you do not want any type of ligature:
ATSUFontFeatureType types[9] =
ATSUFontFeatureType selectors[9] =
ATSUSetFontFeatures(myATSUStyle, 9, types, selectors);
Some info there :
ATSUI_Concepts/atsui_app_features/chapter_9_section_15.html (be
careful, the feature selector names on this web page are not all good)
It will also disable ligatures for Hindi or Arabic script, but as
TextMate's goal is not seem to be a multi-lingual editor... (but it
would be great if it could at least manage the CJK characters well ;-))
Last thing: having a direct link to
http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo or at least to the
archives of the mailing list
(http://one.textdrive.com/pipermail/textmate/) on TextMate's web page
would really be great. I only found it after subscribing to the mailing
list, in the mail asking for confirmation.
Vincent Isambart
Interarchy supports ediiting files over sftp. It would make me überhappy is
TestMate would support this feature. I asked the Interarchy developer what
details you would need to know to make this work. He replied with the links
to the info below.
I know you intend to support editing files over sftp with TextMate in
version 1.1, but I like Interarchy and adding compatability to work with
Interarchy looks pretty simple. So pretty please with sugar on top, add
this feature. :-D Thanks,
------ Forwarded Message
From: Peter N Lewis <peter(a)stairways.com.au>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:06:08 +0800
To: Simon Dorfman <Simon(a)SimonDorfman.com>
Subject: Re: Edit with... TextMate
>I want to ask the developer of a new text editor (TextMate macromates.com)
>to support your "Edit with..." feature. What does he need to know to make
>it jive with Interarchy?
The details are at:
and Bare Bones' original specification is at:
If they drop me a line when it is implemented we'll be happy to add
TexMate to our list of possible editors.
<http://www.stairways.com/> <http://download.stairways.com/>
------ End of Forwarded Message
I just downloaded TextMate and am pretty happy with it. Since it is a
Cocoa app, all of the standard MacOSX key bindings come with it! I've
used emacs as a text editor for years and can't break away from the
basic editing commands.
I created my own TextMate keybinding file, as noted in the help section,
and resolved an issue with '^f' not being bound to 'move cursor
forward'. The only other thing that I can't seem to figure out is '^y'.
When used with '^k' I should be able to 'kill' to the end of a line,
then 'yank' that text out of the kill ring. It's a quick and dirty
cut-and-paste option that's very much ingrained. I can't find any key
bindings that override this behavior, but it doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas?