It's a bit deeper. If I set PATH to (only):
in Preferences => Advanced => Shell Variables, then TextMate reports:
echo $PATH /Applications/ local/sbin:/mypersonalpath:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/ bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Applications/ Support/bin
Note that TextMate has inserted a bunch of stuff before / mypersonalpath, specifically:
/Applications/ /usr/local/git/bin:/opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin
If this IS "somewhere in my configuration", where the heck do I change it?
- Rob
On 2010Jun05, at 15:51, Charles Turner wrote:
I think your conclusion is correct here, but I wonder why /opt/local/ bin and friends are being included twice? TextMate has no requirement for MacPorts, and it's not a "system" include, so I'd guess that somewhere in your configuration, it's creeping in.
Find the correct one, and I imagine things will work the way you want them.
Best, Charles
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