Hello all,
I've noticed that when editing using the HTML bundle the Insert Closing Tag command (Opt+Cmd+.) inserts a closing tag but doesn't seem to match the indentation of the opening tag.
For example (all tabs are inserted by Textmate automatically):
<ul> {1 tab}<li> {2 tab}Lorem ipsum [now press Opt+Cmd+.] {2 tab}</li> [now press Opt+Cmd+. again] {2 tab}</ul>
In the above I think it should (or at least I would like) the final closing li tag to be set 1 tab in, to match the opening li tag, and the final closing ul to be set with no indent, to match the opening tag. I think it used to maintain the indent structure, but this might just be wishful thinking on my part.
Can the bundle be modified to do this?
Thanks in advance, Matthew