On 05/09/2005, at 21.26, Gerd Knops wrote:
To make it easier to visually parse blocks, I am trying to write a pattern that matches on 'even tabs' and give them a light gray background.
I tried something like match= "^(?=\t)\t"; but that doesn't seem to work. Is look ahead not possible in pattern matches?
It is, but that pattern would match the first tab on a line.
To markup leading odd/even tabs, you could use a rule like this:
{ name = "meta.leading-tabs"; begin = "^(?=\t)"; end = "(?=[^\t])"; patterns = ( { match = "(\t)(\t)?"; captures = { 1 = { name = "meta.odd-tab"; }; 2 = { name = "meta.even-tab"; }; }; } ); },