On 29 Jan 2014, at 20:13, Trevor Harmon wrote:
[…] However, no matter what I do, it won’t go away. I have deleted the Avian and TextMate folders in both ~/Library/Application\ Support and /Library/Application\ Support, and I even tried deleting and reinstalling TextMate itself, but when I relaunch, the Cucumber bundle is still there. Is there some other folder I need to delete?
It sounds like you have the fs-events issue¹. This is also why TextMate didn’t initially detect the installed bundle.
As a workaround you can delete ~/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/BundlesIndex.binary and relaunch TextMate (every time you make “manual” changes to the TextMate application support folder, which normally should be rare).
¹ http://feedback.livereload.com/knowledgebase/articles/86239-os-x-fsevents-bu...