Mike Mellor wrote:
On Oct 26, 2006, at 9:33 PM, marios wrote:
I have looked at both of them, yet couldn't really understand the basic difference. I have both of them also as a local back up copy. (Outside of SVN). I would like to try out both of them, to see which one fits my needs better, so If I wanted to , I could still use the local backup copies. but didn't yet have time to do so.
It would be nice If one could have a short explanation, what exactly is the basic difference, before setting up all the necessary projects.
regards, marios
They are very similar in concept. I have detailed descriptions of both of them at http://panalaska.org/geek. In a nutshell, the GTD bundles are based on the "plan in projects, execute in context" theory. What that means is that the GTD bundle uses a file for each project (or it could be a location, like work or home). The contexts for tasks are users definable in the contexts.gtd file. The "View List" commands list all of the tasks for (selected) projects by context. The major difference between the bundles is that GTD2 uses the concept of "state" for a given task - whether its an active task, one that is waiting for something else, one that is delegated, etc. Hope this helps differentiate the bundles!
That was indeed very helpful. It was unclear for me, what the basic
difference was, from just quickly scanning the documentations.
So in other words, the GTD2 bundle then has some sort of added "meta" parameter of timeline.
However, I will look into the documentation link to get a better insight, as how to best set my projects up.
regards, marios