On 24.08.2009, at 22:15, Matt Neuburg wrote:
I did the next best thing and changed it to a really really really obscure shortcut, one I'm not likely to ever press accidentally, but I'd be interested in knowing how to remove pre-existing shortcuts, if anyone knows...
You can't; what you're doing is exactly the standard approach. You could probably set up an event tap to block that menu item entirely, but that seems hardly worth the trouble. m.
There's a way to disable the shortcut ⌥⌘E: [a tiny hack if you have the Interface Builder (part of the DeveloperKit)]
- quit TextMate - go to Application/TextMate.app - right-click to open "Show Package Contents" - go to folder "Resources/English.lproj" - look for MainMenu.nib - DO A BACKIUP OF THAT FILE !! (⌘D eg) - double-click at MainMenu.nib to open it in the Interface Builder - look for the MainMenu bar - click on "Edit" > "Mode" > "Free-hand Editing" - press ⌘1 to come up with the Inspector panel "Menu Attributes" - last row of that Inspector "Key Equiv." - either you click at "Clear" to remove that short-cut or click at the grey square left from the "Clear" button and press an other unused key combination to change the short-cut - Interface Builder "File" > "Save" - start TextMate and look at the main menu bar "Edit" > "Mode"