Currently SQL storage like "varchar(24)" is all defined as storage.type.sql
It would be nice if the numeric length was picked out as constant.numeric.sql
So a suggestion for whomever maintains the sql bundle: can we change the simple regexp for storage type to a capture type.
I think something like this?
{ name = ''; match = '(?i:\b(bigint|bigserial|bit|bit\svarying(\d+)|boolean|box|bytea|character \s(varying)?(\d+)|char(\d+)|var\schar(\d+)|char((\d+))?|cidr|circle| date|double\sprecision|float(\d+)|inet|int|integer|interval(\d+)|line|ls eg|macaddr|money|number((\d+))?|numeric((\d+,\d+))?|oid|path|point|polyg on|real|smallint|serial|sysdate|text|times((\d+))(\swithoutstimeszone)?|ti mestamp(s((\d+))(\swithoutstimeszone)?)?|tinyint(\d+)|varchar\d?((\d+) )?)\s*)\b';
captures = { 1 = { name = 'storage.type.sql'; }; 2 = { name = 'constant.numeric.sql'; }; }; },