I have been trying to combine some tips in the thread on inserting an image url and the thread on using filemerge for svn merge to implement using filemerge using the diff bundle.
For this I am using the shell command
exec "/path/to/filemerge.app" -left $leftfile -right $rightfile
This opens filemerge but does not allow access to TextMate until you quit file merge. Is there a way to allow the exec command to run in the background so that filemerge opens and then allows access to textmate to edit a file.
I am also using Alan's code to allow selection of one of the files via a finder dialog box leftfile=$(osascript -e 'tell app "SystemUIServer"' -e activate -e 'return POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Pick an file:")' -e 'end tell').
This does not allow access to packages such as a .wdgt folder. Is there a way to allow the finder dialog box to access a folder such as this. This would also apply to a .app folder.
Many thanks,