On 9 Jan 2008, at 12:21 PM, James Gray wrote:
On Jan 9, 2008, at 11:33 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
Doing a ⌃H document lookup in a Ruby on Rails file won't lead me to the desired documentation. Instead, the lookup disambiguation menu loops infinitely.
This is a known bug in ri. :(
This is, I assume, a problem with my Ruby installation, but it particularly bites me in TextMate, and I hope someone here can point me to a solution.
[Install and build index for fastri.]
Looks good, thanks, but after
$ sudo gem install fastri $ # (yields a lecture about installing from the tarball instead, but says it did it) $ fastri-server -b
… what do I do? I don't get a fastri command on my path, and using ri on the command line still displays the double-listing bug.
TM QUESTION: TextMate displays the new behavior immediately, but it no longer includes Rails documentation. How do I get that back?
fastri-server --help doesn't guide me. There's no man page.
— F