On 23/07/2005, at 13.02, Andrew Green wrote:
Soft wrap is broken again for me -- or, rather, every time I save a document, soft wrap turns itself off and I have to turn it back on.
When saving it currently re-initializes preferences based on those set in the bundle editor (will be fixed to only happen when changing extension, i.e. save as…)
Is there an easy way for me to force soft wrap to always stay on (at least in Perl files) ..?
Yes, open the bundle editor, either a) edit the Miscellaneous preferences item in the Source bundle to not contain “softWrap = 0;” or b) make a new preferences item for which you set “softWrap = 1;” and scope to “source.perl”.
I recommend the latter, since it's generally better to augment the default stuff than to change it.