On 03.10.2007, at 08:20, Neil Baylis wrote:
Allan Odgaard-2 wrote:
In that light, adding a command to “lookup references” does not make sense, because there will be 10+ different ways to do that, based on context. Yes, I agree with you. I'm thinking of something much simpler. Just allow a
bundle to add an arbitrary item to the context menu. When the user selects the item, it would trigger a command. If it's possible to trigger a command from a keystroke, then it's possible to trigger the same command by selecting a menu item. In the bundle editor, there's an 'Action:' dropdown that has two choices: 'Key Equivalent' or 'Tab Trigger'. I'm just suggesting that you put a third option in there: 'Context Menu Item'.
Of course, this is mainly of value to those of us who use a mouse with more than one button. I have no idea what proportion of Textmate users that amounts to, so maybe it's a moot point. (If I had to hit the keyboard to get the context menu, I could just as well bind the action to a keystroke).
I went this way by using a NSOtherMouseDown command, meaning the middle mouse button (scroll wheel). I wrote a small plugin which adds a eventhandle for NSOtherMouseDown. If one click the middle button it will call as default a tmCommand 'OTHERMOUSEDOWNCOMMAND'. In that script you can put any commands in (e.g. as "$DIALOG" -u inline pulldown menu) as you like. For me, I wrote a command which asks for the current language (Plain Text, Ruby, ...). Depending on that language I have different menus - meaning different 'context sensitive menus'. Furthermore I always ask whether the cursor is in an OakTextView, if yes the OTHERMOUSEDOWNCOMMAND will be executed otherwise not in order to avoid unstableness. To switch this behaviour on/off I created a new key in the com.macromates.plist. And you can rebind the executed script on runtime.
I also tried this with NSRightMouseDown event. In principal it works, but sometimes I have a problem with NSRunLoop(?).
I'll also put this in the soon coming TMTOOLS plugin.