On Aug 14, 2008, at 3:50 PM, Snyder, David F wrote:
I've tested the new MacTex beta with TextMate+Skim+synctex (with pdflatex, xelatex, and latex (with and without the latexmk.pl script)) and it all works well on my research articles and exam files. Synctex seems to do a slightly better job than pdfsync, in my setup.
Syncing seems to work perfectly for me now too, since Brad's latest commit. Nice work Brad!
On a related note, we've been having an off-list discussion as to whether we should have a preference setting to allow the user to say "I know synctex is cool and all that, but I just don't want it used". Would that be something people would want? Currently if your tex engine supports synctex, it will be used no matter what. With pdfsync this was less of an issue, since you have to specify the \include {pdfsync} statement, hence the user had a chance to turn it on and off, should they wish to. In the case of pdfsync it was also more critical, since there were slight layout changes when it was used. My understanding is that this is not the case for synctex, which makes it less clear whether it would still be useful for users to disable it. Hence the reason for this email, to get people's views on the matter.
Regards, David
Haris Skiadas Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Hanover College