On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Paul McCann wrote:
Have you checked that the switch doesn't happen automatically? I'm pretty sure that the compile script checks for the existence of a \usepackage{pstricks} directive and will switch compiling to "latex" (ie, via dvi) in this case. Check out the log file to be sure.
Aah, here it is: you can see this implemented at about line 363 of
But pstricks also works with XeLaTeX. Well, 99% of pstricks users probably still work with (la)tex, not with xe(la)tex, but it might make sense to switch the order of elif-s at least to read:
elif usesOnePackage(xelatexIndicators,packages): engine = 'xelatex' elif usesOnePackage(latexIndicators,packages): engine = 'latex'
That way, if one uses both pstricks and fontspec, it will still resolve to xelatex instead of latex.
Just my 2c.