On Mar 7, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Jack Baty wrote:
Just to confirm, the return key will still work the same, but you'll map the enter key to accept the dialog? Just wanted to make sure I'll still be able to enter returns in my commit messages.
Yes indeed. I just committed a revision that maps the enter key -- but not the return key -- to the Commit button. It also maps the escape key to the Cancel button, and AppKit thoughtfully provides the classic Mac key sequence command-period as equivalent to escape (for this purpose).
And I've gotta say that even though I'm a terminal junkie, command-B is my new favorite thing about TextMate. The Diff and Blame outputs completely made my day the first time I saw them.
Hmm... I didn't intentionally set the command key to B for the entire menu. I wonder if I duplicated the Build With Xcode command when I first created the Subversion bundle? Or did someone else make that change?