On 5 Jun 2016, at 18:32, Carpii UK wrote:
[…] I ssh'd into that machine (as the same non-privileged linux user I'm using to access the share)..
$ mv client.js~ client.js
This was actually successful, and after that I could also save the file from TM
I want you to run `mv` from your Mac so it goes through the Samba driver as well, i.e.:
mv /Volumes/nodechat/public/js/client.js~ /Volumes/nodechat/public/js/client.js
And if that fails, `rm` the file (also via SMB) and then `mv` to see if that is a workaround (from the Mac side).
As for “write: Broken Pipe” I don’t see this error message in TextMate itself, so that’s a little puzzling. Was this the exact (and full) error message?