On Jul 31, 2007, at 1:37 PM, desmondo wrote:
Thanks for your reply and help subtlegradient...
In answer to your q's:
Do you think you'd really use html code completion like in Dreamweaver?
Yes, absolutely. If it were sophisticated enough to know what type of tag you are closing. So for instance, if it were an input tag for example, you don't want an extra closing tag, just /> at the end. I guess that could be the rule, if you close it already using />, then don't add a closing tag. Unfortunately, the bundle syntax is a bit above me right now for figuring it out!
I have done what you said though and changed the shortcut for adding an open/close tag to SHIFT + >. This works well actually, but it must interfere with another shortcut, as the ends of the tags are highlighted and I can't seem to get rid of it. Is there a way to find out if your shortcut is conflicting with another command?
Your best bet is to just use the keybindings asis. Any time you change them it become a pain to manage everything.
There are tons of code coloring themes. Most of them look OK with HTML
There are some good ones there, I am still a bit shy of using the black background though, so trying to find one to match the way Homesite/ DW did it with the white background. I have tried to create my own, but can't understand how to make specific colouring for an individual tag in the "Code Coloring Elements". Do you know how I would specifically target every anchor tag
Currently you can't actually target a specific type of html tag in the themes. I recommend you read the whole manual before fiddling with it. It actually helps
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors