The command ⌘⌥R in HTML mode to open the current doc in runnning browsers does not work properly (sorry, :)
it does
[[ $(ps -xc|grep Safari) ]] && osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to set proclist to name of every application process' -e 'if proclist contains "Webkit" then' -e 'tell app "Webkit"' -e activate -e "make new document" -e "set the URL of document 1 to "$activeURL"" -e 'end tell' -e 'end if' -e 'if proclist contains "Safari" then' -e 'tell app "Safari"' -e activate -e "make new document" -e "set the URL of document 1 to "$activeURL"" -e 'end tell' -e 'end if'
but when you have WebKit running, ps returns you Safari as browser and then you run Safari !!! side by side with the current running WebKit.
You should open the url via open url in that case or open it looking for the real browser (Safari or WebKit that is currently running)
- Juan Falgueras