When you do this, are you able to search across all files contained in those aliases? I am not. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.
Thanks, - Devon
On Feb 11, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Lewy wrote:
@Devon from digest
My project structure is more complicated than .tm_properties will allow. I organize projects by referencing different folders from several different places.
I guess I would need support for aliases or symlinks or something in order to use TM2 the way that I use TM1. Has anyone else found a good workaround for this?
- Devon
What I have done is to make a (project) folder somewhere convenient and fill it with Mac aliases. They seem to work just fine for the purposes, so there is no need to hit terminal to make links. Put your collection of aliases into the project folder. Open the folder in TM2 and add it to favorites. It seems to work very nicely, although it is a bit labor intensive to set up. However, I'm sure that eventually some of the wizards who inhabit this realm will concoct a scheme to make this easier. Functionally, it is serving me well.