Geir-Tore Lindsve wrote:
Find: <tr>[\s\n]+<td\s+class\=\"idag(((.|\n)(?!</tr>))+).</tr>
Thanks! That seems to be right on the spot when it comes to one particular day, and I guess I can twist my brain enough to figure out how to find the individual data inside those blocks.
in one word "RTFM" (Help->TextMate Help->19 Regular Expressions)
\s is space?
whitespace char (space, tab...)
What does the pattern actually say between "idag" and </tr>?
« one or more character or end of line not followed by "</tr>", one character and </tr> »
Btw, i could have done it shorter : Find: <tr>[\s\n]+<td\s+class="idag(((.|\n)(?!/tr>))+)</tr>