Fantastic and thanks!
I've given it some limited testing, and this is significantly improved. (In other words, the R Bundle stopped taking TextMate to the beach. ;-) ) I'll keep an eye on things, and will say if I see anything.
I'm on Mac OS X 10.5.8, Ruby 1.8.6, and R 2.10.0.
Thanks again, -albert
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
I've just uploaded the R.tmbundle. Due to massive changes it is recommended to delete that R.bundle and install it via GetBundles, or if you like svn via (avoid doing a svn update for some reasons):
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles svn co osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
See here some details: • Rewrote all Help based functions to support all R versions
- no index files needed, instead make usage of a Rhelper daemon which runs in the background and will be terminated if the user quits TM
• Improved all "show function usage" commands
- trial to fix the display of argument default like "\n"
- improved parsing of function usage out from the HTML page
- working offline (not Rdaemon) try to parse and evaluate the argument list of user-defined functions on-the-fly by using the Rhelper daemon to format it and to show a possibly error in it
• Rewrote commands for "Insert Function Parameter"
- now Rhelper evaluates the argument list and outputs a list of all argument and defaults, this solves many problems while text parsing due to the nested parentheses issue
- trial to show also defaults like "\n"
- for "Insert all Parameters" insert "\n\t" after each 5th paramter to avoid insertion of a long and unreadable line
• the help search now makes usage of '' only • Introduced a new TM shell variable 'TM_R_SHOW_ALWAYS_HELPSEARCH
- if set to 1 show always the search interface even if only one help page is found
• Renamed R_AUTOCOMPLETE to TM_R_AUTOCOMPLETE (but the old var will be still recognized) • Deleted unused files • Moved temporary files to the temp folder to keep the bundle clean • Modularized and simplified many commands
Note: Some tests are needed for different Mac OS still, tested for 10.6.2, Ruby 1.8.7, R 2.9.2 & R 2.10
Please test it! Feedback is highly welcomed.
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