On Jun 8, 2006, at 3:48 AM, Luc Heinrich wrote:
On 7 juin 06, at 09:54, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
Such a comprehensive list and not a singel mention of chunk-undo ˆ_ˆ
Not to mention the braindead block editing zero-column selection. Oh, and the death of that fugly drawer! :)
I'm with you on the drawer. It's SO two years ago. I want the files thing to look like the one in mail and iTunes.
You lost me with the "braindead block editing zero-column selection" . How should it work?
atm. you have to hold down opt to keep it in column selection mode. this differs from the NSTextView implementation which requires you to hold opt when you start making the selection, but doesn't allow you to change your mind later on.
I like the ability in textedit and friends to keep it in column mode if opt it held down when you start a selection. But i don't like that you can't change your mind.
Do you think the textedit version is better?
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient