Check out the asp & bundles. A lot of it is just VBS stuff and can be adapted to RealBasic. I did a lot of work on those two back when I was cursed to work in VBScript *shudder*
On Oct 3, 2007, at 8:10 AM, wrote:
I'm trying to create a bundle for RealBasic. I've made some progress, but I keep getting stumped in trying to create a single line comment, (which in RealBasic is either // or ' The double-forward slash works fine, but the single quote doesn't.
This is the code:
{ name = 'comment.line.single-quote.myRB'; match = "(').*$\n?"; captures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.myRB'; }; }; },
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—