* chip brock (brock@pa.msu.edu) wrote: |> Hi |> |> Switching over to Textmate for Latex projects. I realize that I don't understand setting the master file (which does all of the \include's). |> |> I have an issue of trying to use more than one computer to work on a single latex project. I use dropbox to keep computers sync'd. |> |> Let's suppose I have an identical directory structure, down from the home area: |>
I use a similar setup: dropbox to synchronize my desk and portable computers. For each folder where I keep a piece of work, say a book, I set up a file I call root.tex, with all of the formatting and \include(s). At the top of all of the files I'm including, I use Preferences in the Latexbundle to set the master file, with a line such as: %!TEX root = /Users/me/Documents/Work/Writing/Books/newbook/root.tex
The Watch Document command in the Latex bundle will work from inside any of the documents included in root.tex. The standard command + R typesetting command needs to be issued from root.tex.
I presently do the typesetting not in TextMate but I switch to TeXShop and latexmk (pdflatexmk or xelatexmk)---their most recent versions---, because I often like to use the -pvc flag (continuous preview) of latexmk. Furthermore, I use biber and the most recent version of biblatex in texlive 2010. I set TeXShop for an external editor in its preferences, and added the flag -pvc to its latexmk engines. At the top of my root.tex file, I have the line: %!TEX TS-program = xelatexmk (or pdflatexmk as the case may be)
Once I start TeXShop for typesetting, I use command + tab to switch to TextMate project window, and back and forth. Any save in TextMate or in BibDesk bib files will trigger latexmk. Editing in TextMate allows me to do citations from BibDesk without opening it.
Hope this helps, -- gildas